Thursday, October 7, 2010

Being Completely Malaysian!

Well, it's been a while since my last blog. There's just been so many things going on that I was too lazy to blog. Even now I'm feeling kind of brain-dead but I need to get these thoughts out of my head no matter what it takes so forgive me if this post isn't as normal as it usually is.

Since it's PMR week, we've been moved to different classes to accommodate the comfort of the PMR students. L6E1 was moved to one of the classes in the canteen block which is nearer to the examination hall (apparently, the teachers trust us to keep silent throughout the day. Yea right!). Honestly, I was so excited! Since my fist day in LaSalle, I was intrigued by the staircase found right in the canteen and even more so of the boys walking straight into the canteen from their classes. Finally, I can experience that for myself. I'm sure you'll be wondering why I'm so excited about such a trivial thing. I'm a huge fan of food and the fact that I have to walk through the canteen to get to my class is just awesome! On top of that, we get the smell of food so early in the day that we space out much sooner that we normally would. These past few days have been great! The class is square and two wall are completely covered with windows. There's so much more light and air coming in. I love it there!

Dinesh, Visha and Mina have been really nice too. I'm glad I decided to move to LaSalle. We (Visha, Dinesh and I) had breakfast today. I was late :P Still on food, Dinesh brought Thai spring rolls today (homemade!). It was delicious. We came up with a food plan for ourselves. Three days each week, we'd bring some food from home. We planned out a schedule and tomorrow, it Visha's turn! I wonder what she'll bring?

Anyway, ma and I went to the flea market in Jaya 33 today. Ma was right, I loved it there! They had this beautiful purple knee-length dress. I bought that for Christmas. Then there was this white long tank top, very comfortable to wear. Another thing I bought was this (rejected) Ralph Lauren shirt-blouse. I just wanted it even when I first saw it. Unfortunately for me, it's a tad too big for my petite body so I gave it to ma. She looks awesome in it. All in all, it was a good day out. (No homework either which was like icing on the cake!)

I've been checking out some of the blogs on "Blogs of Note" and I have to say, they're spectacular. I really like the 'Beta Dad'. Original, to say the least. Anyone who hasn't read it yet, should check it out.

Bringing this back to the topic of clothes. I've re-designed some of my old clothes to my current personal style and needless to say, I'm very excited about the sewing part of it. The only problem is, I have yet to get myself a sewing machine. I can always hand sew everything but it'll last longer and look nicer if I do it with a machine. The thing is, sewing machine's aren't cheap. I'd love to get the traditional kind but they're more expensive than the motorised ones. Hopefully I can get my hand on a good second-hand machine. I just need it for some light sewing, nothing heavy duty so I'll manage with a used one. I want it soon! I'm getting a little bored with my clothes so I need to get this machine to jazz everything up a little bit.

Oh! I'm watching the Commonwealth Games right now! Women's Weightlifting. The Malaysian did very well on her first attempt - 85kg. The commentator was telling us about his interview with the Malaysia Weightlifter, Farhana. He asked her about what she likes to do in her free time and she said, "I hang out with my boyfriend." That's so Malaysian! :)

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