Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mish-Mash of Malaysianism.

Ok, there are a few things I wanted to talk about here but as usual, my poor memory is such a tool. I knew I should have written it down.

First up, I want to talk about being Malaysian. I've been getting a lot of slack lately for not being able to speak Tamil. Yes, I am and Indian who DOES NOT speak Tamil. I grew up in a household that spoke English. On rare occasions, I heard some Tamil conversations, really shorts one. Hence, I can understand a little, but once you go more than 5km per hour, you lose me.

Some people have said that I should be embarrassed for not being able to speak Tamil. Some even laughed at me. Well, you know what, I'm offended. Yes, I'm Indian and yes, I wish I understood the language better. However, I am a Malaysian first and foremost. My great grand parents were from India (I'm guessing, I'm not sure. I have to check that out) but I was born in Malaysia. Being Indian is my heritage. But being Malaysian is me, and it will be my children's heritage.

I'm proud to say that I can read, write and speak BM very well, as I should be able too seeing as I'm a Malaysian. I'm proud of my country. I'm not embarrassed whatsoever when people say, "You can't even speak your mother tongue?" because to me, Malay is my mother tongue. This is where I was born, where I grew up and where I live. This is my origin, and I see nothing wrong with that.

I'm not disowning my Indian heritage. I'm acknowledging that it's part of my history but it's not completely me. I  am a Malaysian, and darn proud of it. So, back off. Please and thank you. :)


Next up, I cannot wait for my STPM results!! When are they going to release it?? AHHHHHH!!!


I can't wait for EUROPE! :)


I'm really happy because I've made a lot of new friends this year, not only at work but all over as well. I've made quite a few friends through the common love we have for Simple Plan. Seriously, they're really nice, normal people who just happen to adore SP as much as I do.

I think it's awesome.


Ok, this will be longer.

I always talk about living outside the box. Leading a creative life, unhindered by societal norms. It's easier said than done.

There was this window of opportunity for me to do exactly that. I had a chance to do something fun and totally out of my comfort zone. I really wanted to do it, but I let fear get in my way. I think the window of opportunity has shut tight but I might be able to open it up just a crack. Just go for it right??

On the same topic, but not so: Though I'm all for colouring outside the lines, I also happen to be a stickler for rules. I think rules are there for a reason and though sometimes, they are meant to be bent, we should still keep to them.

This might sound completely insane, but I feel that it's entirely possible to lead a creative, fulfilling, let's-colour-outside-the-lines life while still following the rules. Don't you?

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