Tuesday, June 5, 2012

This Is Why...

1. ...I refused. Today, I had an actual conversation with someone whom I usually just talk to (there is a difference but I'm not going to get into that right now).

Anyway, this conversation started up because of Glee. Apparently, he disapproves of that show. He says that it's wrong because it promotes homosexuality. First, Glee doesn't promote homosexuality, it promotes the acceptance of homosexuals and every other individual. 

Next, yes, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong. The Bible says that God says that man is to be united with women. Not man and man, nor woman and woman but man and women. That is how the world works, biologically and religiously. 

However, the Bible also says that God asked us to "Love one another as I have loved you". Now, I don't see a condition attached to that particular commandment (us Catholics call it the '11th' commandment). God loves all his children equally so, who are we to pick and choose who we accept and reject? God didn't say, "You there, you are lesbian. You shall not live in my kingdom. Begone!" That's not God, and so we shouldn't be that either.

Then there's this argument: "Well, if someone was a murderer, would you accept them for who they are?".
Here's my answer: It's not the same. Apples and oranges, bro. Being homosexual doesn't harm anyone around you, does it? Case closed.

I don't understand how there are people in this world who point blank refuse to accept other human beings just because of their sexuality. I do not understand and I do not want to understand either. 

Yes, I'm talking about understanding others and accepting them for who they are so my reaction is hypocritical. But here's the thing, I'm not going to shun anyone who carries a different opinion. I'm not going to burn bridges or end friendships or start a war because others have a different take on things. I'm just refusing to agree. This is just me, telling the world that I do not understand how they can treat fellow human beings differently based on sexuality and that I do not want to understand either because I think their opinions are a disgrace to the human race.

This really is one of the deal breakers for me when it comes to relationships (not that I have any experience). I cannot commit to being in a relationship with someone who thinks being gay earns you a one way ticket to hell. Sorry, I just can't.

And especially after coming back from Europe, I stand by this even stronger than before. No one, not one person on this planet can tell me that people as awesome as Malik and Paul, with all the good they do in this world, are doomed because they are gay. Sorry, but I refuse to accept.


2. ...my purse feels lighter. I tell you, there is a  parking situation building up here in the Klang Valley that is threatening to relieve every wallet of it's contents! I smell a rat!

Here's the deal, parking at Amcorp Mall is ridiculously expensive now! Like, mega cekik duit going on there! It used to be RM4 for the first 2 hours of parking and RM1 for ever subsequent hour. Now, however, it's gone up to RM5 for the first hour and RM4 for every subsequent hour. What utter rubbish!

Even Sunway Pyramid is cheaper! (No offence la Amcorp, but what do you have other than the amazing BookXcess? At least Pyramid has a bowling alley and a cinema. They even have Archery!). In Sunway, on weekdays, it's RM1 for the first 3 hours. 

I spent only 1.5 hours in Amcorp last week and had to fork out RM9 ringgit for parking fees. If I had known, I would've taken my business somewhere else. Today, I only spent RM1 for 2.5 hours of parking in Sunway Pyramid.

This is daylight robbery. Seriously, just because you installed new auto pay machines doesn't mean you can now charge a stupendous sum for parking. What nonsense.


p.s: My previous post was rubbish. Seriously, I should've worded it better or just not posted it at all. It sounds childish and unwitty. I didn't like it at all. I shall not remove it, though. I'm leaving it up as a reminder to myself: Never, ever post rubbish, Kath! :)

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