Saturday, December 29, 2012




I hope y'all had a good Christmas day. I know I had a good time. Presents this year were great. I have a new phone which is awesome! It's really cool and I love it! It actually matched my Christmas dress:) Anyways, now it needs a name. I can't think of any yet but I'm sure it'll come to me.

Also, mum got my brother a remote control helicopter (that big baby) and he loves it so yay! :)

Little brother got a bunch of stuff again this year. I swear, we're spoiling him. But hey, he's 3 and completely adorable so it's all good. We got them matching superman t-shirts:)

Anyways, we went to Melaka. The entire family, extended and dysfunctional. We stayed at one of the villas in Kota A Famosa. It was huge and it has a pool! We had lots of fun.

On the first day, we went to the safari and later at night, we went to 'Cowboy Town'. The safari was not too bad. The truck ride was very bumpy and the trucks were spewing pollution all over the place, those poor animals. But other wise, it was ok. the Wild West Show was not family friendly and not something I enjoyed but oh well.

Cowboy Town, on the other hand, was much better. We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant (in Cowboy Town, how weird is that) and then played a bunch of fun fair games. We won a medium sized prize worth 1500 points!

The next day, we went to the water park. Dillon had fun in the wave pool while we, (bro, Krissie and I) enjoyed the slides. We managed to convince Dillon to come with us on the Family Raft slide with aunty and he did but he was really scared (he's scared of everything, even flies!). He cried a bit after the slide but he then enjoyed watching other people slide down.

Once we got back to the villa, Krissie and I played pool tennis for a couple more hours. We both ended up sun burnt, Krissie got it worse than me. Black licorice and red licorice, brother calls us :)

At night, we went for dinner at a fancy Thai restaurant. The food was delicious and it was reasonably priced too. And mama wore her new dress!!

So, that's about it for Melaka. I'm still really tired. I think I need a holiday to recover from this holiday. Grr.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Week of Thursdays

Howdy folks!

It's been very Christmassy here at home. I've been baking cookies and wrapping tons of presents. 'Tis the season!

I have, this week alone, baked 2 different kinds of cookie, made a chocolate tart and wrapped approximately 22 presents. I feel accomplished:) I still have 2 more batches of cookies to make and a couple more presents to complete. But hey, Christmas is still 3 days away.





AHHHH!!! :)

Ok. I have calmed down.

I am really excited about this Christmas. I'm actually baking more than one cookie. I usually just make one batch of butterscotch melts and mum buys the rest. But this year, we're not getting any from outside so it's up to me to make sure that the coffee table is stocked with cookies!

Which is why I have made 2 different types of cookies so far. The usual butterscotch melts and chocolate meringue cookies. I still have to make the peanut cookies and coffee snow melts. So, yes, this Christmas is definitely special.

The other thing that makes this year special, at least for me, is that I've actually managed to get presents for everyone on my list. It has worked out beautifully. :) I made an effort and it paid off! I still have a couple more gifts to get but it is considered done.

So, good Christmas:)

Have I mentioned how excited I am?

I think I have.

Anyways, I want to watch Supernatural but I have them on DVDs and my laptop doesn't have a CD player therefore I can only watch it on TV. And that can only happen when I have control over the TV. In this house, I rank the lowest on the remote control controller list. So, not much hope. But 'tis ok because I have till 7th of January. :)

One more thing. Back when I still had classes, I had Thursdays off. And right now, this whole week just feels like one long Thursday. Everyday is Thursday!

Till we meet again.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Focused on Focusing

Have you ever read something you wrote when you were so full of emotions in the past and just cringed? Either because it was a bad piece of writing or you were over reacting or maybe you just can't believe you could have ever felt that way.

It's weird isn't it?

I was reading something I wrote a few weeks back and I can't believe I wrote what I did. The things I said and the emotions I was feeling; it was all so intense and I never thought I'd say those things. I never want to again, either.

I guess sometimes you have to get it out of your system. All those feelings and emotions that aren't necessarily what you feel all the time. Not who you are always, just in the moment. Not a good moment, either. Which is why I love writing. Because I can write and write and make sure I mean what I say. I can make sure I keep these moments of un-me-ness away from people.

Some would say that's not a good idea and that we should be who we are, in good moments and bad, and I agree. But I think moments like these are better left in the closet. Because it's not you. And words can cause a lot of hurt. So sometimes, it's better not to let the world into your head.

Just a thought.

Anyways, I have lots to watch this next few weeks before the semester starts. I'm finally at series 7 of Doctor Who, which is super. I'm also going to start on season 1 of Supernatural. AND, I have a few movies to watch too. So, entertainment, check.

OH! I'm also in the middle of 3 novels right now. One of the dark hunter books by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and The Hobbit. Lots to focus on :)

It's going to be a fantastical Christmas.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Next Step

Hi there, cyberworld.

I hope you've been fine.

I have an exam tomorrow. To be honest, it's the one I'm most worried about. I did okay in the assignments for this subject (tiny bit above average). Definitely enough to pass with credit (hopefully) but I'm worried about the exam. The essay section is daunting. Hmm.

I have stuff mind mapped, though. This is helping me more that I thought it would. I read a chapter and highlight important details. After that, I mind map the entire chapter. Then I read the mind maps as a refresher. It's good. My mind mapping skills are abysmal because I use lots of words and no pictures at all but it does work for me, so I'm happy.

Anyways, I realised today that talking really helps. I mean, I've always known this but I guess I forgot. After talking to Pete today, I remembered and I feel a lot better. Less.. heavy. Y'know? I think having a sounding board - someone other than yourself to talk to, a different perspective - really helps. It's like the fog is cleared away a little more and I know what needs to be done. I have no idea where I'm going still but I know what the next step is and really, that's all you need, isn't it? The next step.

So I know my next step and I shall move forward with it.

For now, though, it's Christmas. I have a list of gifts to get and I shall get them all this year. I don't know what kind of Christmas it's going to be this year but I'm pretty sure it'll be memorable.

Which reminds me, I have to read that chapter on memory now. Happy Christmas, y'all! :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Study Week


I tried mind mapping for 113. It does help but it also makes the entire subject look so skeletal and incomplete. So, it's weird.

And there's an essay  for the exam too, which is freaking me out. I mean, sure, I can write but I don't think I'll be able to cite anything and that worries me. How do you write an academic paper without references? So, that's going to be though.


Also, studying alone is not at all very motivational. I feel like I'm forcing myself to study and it's not what I like to do. Forcing myself to study, I mean. I want to study because I want to, you know? As opposed to studying because I'm forced to. It's just no fun at all.


The Christmas tree is up though. So that's good.

Oh, I think I'm sabotaging myself. I'll tell you more once I'm done reading about it in 113. 

Till then. Adieu.
I has reading to do!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dancing Like The Doctor

Last time I was here, it was November!

So, days have been ok. The sketchy week kinda dragged on for a while but I think it's almost over now. Day's aren't sketchy anymore but I can't guarantee that they're free from spasms of emotional turmoil. Still, pretty good.

I'm now on series 6 of Doctor Who. I like Eleven. I was reluctant to start series 5 because Ten was just perfect in so many ways and I didn't want to be disappointed by Eleven. I mean, what if he was less awesome?? Also, I've read some stuff online about people not being very happy about the kind of Doctor Eleven is and the series in general. So, I was worried.

But I soldiered on and I'm glad I did!

Yes, personally, I think series 5 started a little slow on the emotional upheavals but Eleven is adorable. He's got his own style and he's quirky in ways that Ten never was. Also, he's changed a bit in the general character. The Doctor has always been a no weapons kinda Time Lord. No guns, no violence. Always try and save everyone.

It's different with Eleven . Yes, he doesn't use guns but he's ok with other people using it and he doesn't try as hard to save everyone. However, I don't think this is bad characterisation. I think it's more like the Doctor has evolved. He's been through so much and this is who he is now.

Also, I really like Eleven's inherent weirdness. He's a big 5 year old. Arrogant too but he's earned the right to be. Eleven is twitchy and restless and awkward. It's fun to watch! Matt Smith is doing really well, I think:)

Phew. That's a lot of Doctor Who. Anyways, the series picked up and the emotional upheavals have arrived.  The Van Gogh episode was killer. It really was. I can't wait to finish series 6 so I can move on to the current season :)

Anyways, school has been good. This is the last week of classes for the semester. Which means, exams are next! Fourteen weeks of lectures and it all comes down to 4 days of exams. Oh well. I'm not to worried. I have a plan of action:)

What matters right now is the book sale tomorrow! BIGBADWOLF! ROSE! (That's a Doctor Who reference. Don't mind me:))

So yea, book heaven tomorrow! EHHHE:)

OH! I showed my brother all the sonic screwdrivers online. I want! Ten's, Eleven's, River's (the one Doctor gave her in the future), and the Master's laser screwdriver. I shall collect them! (Which reminds me, Davina has small Dalek thingys!!! AHHH! EXTERMINAAAATE!)

Finally, I'm very excited about this Simple Plan secret santa thing I joined. My secret santa sent me an anonymous message saying that my gift has been delivered! AHH! I can't wait to see it!

AND, I'm going to mail a gift to the one I'm secret santa-ing soon! Just need to get stuff together! This is exciting!

Ok. Food awaits. I'll try not to keep this page un-updated for long ok. Cross my heart.

Here, have this gif of Eleven dancing:

I shall employ this dance move the next time I dance