Thursday, April 29, 2010

SuperMan.. not!

Anba was admitted in the hospital today. Aww.. :( It has something to do with the pest control thing from last night. Long story short, Anba was trying to be Superman and sad to say, he discovered that he's only human. Anyway, I'm going to see him tomorrow before work. I hope he gets better.

Work:: Nothing much except that it was slightly busier than yesterday during lunch. Adrian called the mobile today and didn't realise that it was me speaking. He thought I was Cassy and I just played along. He asked me to do line check and make sure everything runs smoothly. I was shaking with laughter but I just said 'yeah, no problem boss.' That was hilarious. Do I and Cassy sound alike?? I don't think so. I think he's been gone too long. He's forgotten what we all sound like.

My class had a so-called 'reunion' today in Pyramid. I don't think it can be called a reunion when evrything is planned around just a few people. I'm so annoyed with them. Please don't call it a reunion when in truth it's a gathering of friends, one of whom I dislike with every fiber in my body (I'm being polite since my blog is public). I joined them for lunch. I sincerely miss some of them so I put up with the other annoying bugs for one hour. If it weren't for those I like, I'd have avoided the rest. I think, in a few years time, I'm going to plan a propper reunion. I'll invite everyone, even those I 'dislike'. It'll be fun, and pre-planned. That way they can't say they're not free. Also, if you can't make it, then you don't come. Simple as that.

Ok, I'm going to chat now and continue this blog a little later. So, chao for now!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Guess Who's Back??.. Back Again..

I've missed you so much! That hug you gave me was perfect!

You're married now! You're glowing!

Gosh, I've missed both of them. Work was fun again thanks to the fact that boss was back. He loves the deco we put up. Good! We worked hard on it all and it feels good that boss loves it. Finally, someone who doesn't have anything bad to say about it at all. Thanks Boss! It was all for you:)

Cassy brought back some 'Gula-Gula Lada' @ 'Pepper Sweet' from Sarawak. I like it. It kind of like mint but not as strong. The wrapper is the cutest. It's yellow with the Sarawak national bird on it gripping a pepper branch with it's claw.

Anyway, it's great to have them both back. The store seems like it's heading back to normal. I'm on the morning shift again but that's ok because Malin and Sanjiv are morning too. It wont be too boring then.

The new girl, Chia Ling, or LingLing as we like to call her, isn't too bad. She and Teethan are getting along fine and since we're all 18, we've become friends through our common liking of being immature :) It was fun today and I hope it'll continue to be fun.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Bowling was enjoyable. SJ was leading, as usual, and JB was tailing. PK was doing quite well in the beginning but he lost it towards the end. With a double strike from SJ on the last round, PK moved into second place. JB, after a couple of hitless rounds, had one lesson from SJ. After that, she hit quite a few pins. PK was the funniest of the lot (duh!). His poses and style of bowling was just comical. Without PK, our day would have been boring. After bowling, we watched the ice skaters and walked around. Overall, it was a fun day.

However, My bow is still in 2 pieces. I'm going to take it to the 'doctor' this Friday before I start work. Hopefully it can be treated. Everytime I arrive at Zeborah's for my class, I enter the dance studio. I miss dancing alot. I want to continue but I'll be so rusty that I might have to start from grade 3 again. I don't care though because dancing is my first love. Maybe I wont do ballet if the teacher thinks I'm too rusty but I'll take up modern dancing or something. I feel more comfortable on the dance floor than I am holding an instrument.

Anyway, I'm on the morning shift tomorrow with the new girl, who I met today. She's friendly and kind of familiar too. She'll be good for Teethan I think because they're both new and they seem to connect. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.

Now, let's talk about the weather. It's crazy!! Scorching hot one moment and freezing the next. But then again, this is Malaysia after all. I just want to wrap my self in my blanket and drift off to dreamland. Then when I wake up tomorrow, I'll be nice and warm still.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Work was kind of fun and kind of boring at the same time. Not much to say about work today. I miss Cassy but I still had Nad, June, Amy and everyone else.

Bad news! My bow snapped! I can't believe it. I wasn't putting any pressure on it at all. In fact, i was just holding it. I lost my grip (I've been very clumsy lately) and the bow dropped. I heard a crack and I fell to the ground. My baby bow broke in two! My teacher says it's fixable but I'm sceptical. It wont be the same again, ever.This is heartbreaking. :(

By the way, bleach doesn't go with colour.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Work was slow today. To be honest it was kind of boring at times. Walking into work, I saw the first new trainee. His name is Teethan. He's my age but he didn't sit for SPM because he did O Levels in Australia (talk about an interesting life story!). It turns out that he know the new converse guy. So now it's like we have a connection with them (apart from Cassy). Teethan is kind of shy but we're warming up. Of course things got better when June came into work because she's such a friendly person. There are a few more trainees coming in this week. They're all going to be here for 3 months so it's a month as SPG, a month as Dub and a month in the kitchen. They're not as shameless as the bacth before (no offence to ManMan, WangWang, JingJing, DoEunJi and KentSan) but they sure are friendly. I think we'll all get along just fine. :)

Like I said before, work was really slow today. It was so slow to the point that Sanjiv, June and I were playing bingo, tic-tac-toe and 'chi-ku-pang' (don't know if I spelt it right) at the SPG stand. That part of work was fun. Break time was fun too because June, Mesh, Sanjiv and I went to the arcade. We played one round of the racing game. As usual, Sanjiv managed to get 1st place and I was second. June was third and Mesh was at the tail end again. I enjoyed myself. mostly because we only went to arcade about 30 minutes before June and I were scheduled to sign in. It was the adrenaline rush more than anything that was keeping me awake.

Tomorrow I'm going to visit Dillon Li again! I can't wait. I really miss him. I hope he remembers me this time. Either way, I'll make sure I take it slow. I don't want to make him cry. Anyway, there's going to be lots more pictures!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Losing Focus..

Today I was working the swing shift again after such a long time. I'm glad I did because I got to see everyone; openers, swingers and closers. It was fun. Break time was great too. The chilli cheese fries from Carl's Jr, was tasty. I'll definitely get that if ever I go there again.

As for working itself, the begining was a little rocky but after the shift meeting, I was feeling quite peppy. Shift meetings always have that effect on me. Its some sort of a reminder for me to be happy and not let anything get me down. Just let the bad stuff roll off and keep the good. My day was fun because I constantly kept my mind on happy thoughts and I didn't let myself get dragged down by anything. I would like it to be that way everyday so hopefully it'll be the first thing on my mind. That way, I won't forget.

On another note, I'm in the mood for shopping. I've made a list and I'm going to pick a day to shop. As for filling my time, I'm a bookworm but I can't seem to concentrate on any books at the moment. I can't even finish the Harry Potter saga which a first. Harry Potter is my back up book and I've never not been able to finish it. I have got to get my reading mojo back. We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dillon Li

I visited Dillon Li today! He's adorable. He can sit up now and he teething so he'll chew anything in sight.
I'm cute and I know it!



Monday, April 12, 2010


Internet is back! Finally, I get to sign on to Facebook and Blogger any time I want. I've never had that many (44 to be exact) notifiications on Facebook before. I took sometime but I'm now back in touch. Yay!

Blogging is back too. The down side is that I don't really know what to write. I might start writing about issues. Once a week I'll write a post about something specific. That'll keep me focused. I just have to remember to write it. I'm a naturally forgetfull person. I should really work on that. Then again, i don't think it'll happen :P

Anyway, FuWang (WangWang), Norman (ManMan), Daisy (DoEunJi), HuiJing (JingJing) and Kent (Capang) have finished their training. So work has been undoubtedly duller with their absence. It has been about 24 hours and already I miss them. I miss chatting with Norman, bullying Fuwang, laughing with HuiJing, eating with Daisy and teasing Kent. I had fun working with them and I'm definitely going to miss them alot more especially since we've suddenly become understaffed.

That's all for now. I'll be back to babble some more tomorrow!

p.s: I really need a book to read!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Long Overdue

First thing's first, TMnet is really getting on my nerves. Our internet connection has been off for the past 2 weeks. We called to make a report about 5 times before the technicians actually came to replace the modem. Each of those five calls were spent regurgitating the same information we've already given them. They have the report with them so why do they keep asking us the same questions?? Once the modem was changed, we still couldn't connect to the internet. So we called and lodged another report. The same thing happened again. Dozens of calls, repeating the same questions, and still the connection can't be made.

I've had to live without Facebook and Blogger for more than 2 weeks now. It's not impossible, it's just really boring. I get to keep in touch with my friends on Facebook but now I feel so left out. Blogger is where I store all my thoughts and it a real waste because 2 week's worth of thought all went down the drain. What I could, I wrote in a notebook but that's barely half of what was on my mind. Even now, I'm actually in a cyber cafe. I couldn't wait much longer. Hopefully we get our internet back soon!

Anyway, on Tuesday, I went out with JB, PK and SJ. We had loads of fun. I also rode a mini bus (which is a first for me I think). We should go out again.