Saturday, August 28, 2010

Feminist, I am.

For those of you who don't know me, I consider myself a feminist. Not an overly fanatical one but definitely a passionate one. I want to draw your attention to the fact that sometimes, when writing articles, people tend to specify women who are involved in crimes. Here's what I mean;

1. an article about and international drug syndicate which was busted:
"The man then led the police to three others, including a foreigner and a woman, who are believed to be his accomplices"
A foreigner and a woman. Now, what about the third accomplice (who is most probably a man)? Why only mention the woman and foreigner?

2. an article about a begging syndicate:
"The syndicate involving 14 Chinese nationals, including four women, was busted ....."
Here we see that the fact that four women were involved was stressed.

3. an article about a betting syndicate:
"In the raid, police arrested 17 people including, 5 women, who were receiving bets on various sports, including football, tennis and basketball."
Again, it's the women that were mentioned, not men, even though there were men involved.

4. an article about a gambling:
"The police arrested 20 people, including two women, for gambling at a four start hotel"
Only two women, but still, the men aren't worth mentioning.

Do you, like me, see a pattern here? The women are always the ones being brought forward even though men are equally involved and guilty. Why is it so impossible that women could be involved in such things? I'm not saying it's a good thing but isn't it sexism when you make it a point to mention women and only the women and not men? Why can't it be just '20 people' or '15 men and 5 women'?

If you're argument is; "It's just so unbelievable that women, the fairer sex, could be involved in such crimes"
Then my argument is; "It's unbelievable for any one, regardless of gender to be involved in any kind of crime. By constantly stressing the women who are involved, you're saying "Women shouldn't do this, but it's normal for men to do it". Well, I think that's wrong. Also, I feel that women should have equal rights as men do, and that includes being treated equally when it comes to criminal cases. The women who are involved are just as guilty as the men are and shouldn't be brought forward just because they're women.


Alright, moving on to school. It's been fun learning BM, something I never thought was possible. Economics, on the other hand, isn't as easy. I've missed 5 chapters and that's a lot to catch up on. I've continuously found myself lost in a maze in every Economics class. I'm slowly getting it but more often then not, I feel teary when it comes the the exercises.

My classmates are quite fun. They're very different than my old school friends and I think that's because of the different area's we grew up in. I'll adapt, as I've mentioned before, and things will be OK. I'm sure. I just need a little more time.

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