Sunday, August 1, 2010

MTV World Stage Asia 2010

Everything was awesome. We (June, Aishah, Fieka, Me) had lunch in Fullhouse. It was quite good. My favourite was the Mushroom Soup and the Ice Lemon Tea.
We're waiting for the food..
So full!
 After lunch we walked around the Fullhouse Store for a while before heading to the entrance of Sunway Lagoon. It wasn't as bad as we expected. We had to line up for about 40 minutes or so but it was fun. We met up with Daisy & her Korean friends and Ling & her friends. While the line was moving, we lost track of Daisy and her gang. Then Ling went missing and finally June managed to squeeze in between the bars and follow Daisy up ahead, which left me with one of Ling's friend. As soon as we got in, it started to rain. we got some cool MTV raincoats which kept us reasonably dry.
yay! we finally got in!

wet and waiting
soaked and barefooted
The surf beach in Sunway Lagoon was drained but our shoes got wet in the rain anyway :)
The spot we chose was quite good at first. We saw Bunkface quite clearly. I'm not a huge local music fan but they we're not bad. After Bunkface, we moved to the back to join Ling and gang. It was quite clear there and we enjoyed Wondergirls eventhough we didnt understand any of the Korean Songs.

*tongue out*
 After singing incoherently to the Wondergirls, Ling and I moved to the left side where there was less people and we had a really good view of the stage. It took a while for the next artist to come out due to some technical issues but once Tokio Hotel started, we were all jumping up and down going crazy. They were awesome! I would like to state, at this time, that Tokio Hotel is going on my list of the most awesome bands ever! We sang along to every song and we we're dancing like crazy. Around this time, we saw Aqil. He was taking pictures of everything. With him there, things got alot more crazier. I even got a chance to use his huge and really heavy camera. That thing was really something. He got some good shots of Katy Perry. There was one where she was looking right at him. Of course, the pictures I took were terrible. I did get an almost nice shot of the violently pink guitar during Katy Perry's performance.
Thinking of you Katy!
After the Katy Perry, which was supposed to be the last performance, Wondergirls gave us an encore. By this time, alot of people went home so we managed to squeeze into the front. We were so close the I could actually see their faces clearly on stage. I was pumped!

My first live concert experince was awesome. I'm definitely going again next year!
Thanks june for taking me!

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