Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Weird Girl and Magic Onion

So far, the new school has been good to me. They have very high standards but I think I'll be able to keep up if I work at it. I have two subjects to catch up on, BM and Economy, which I have never taken before. I'll work hard this year so that by next year, I'll be on the same level as everyone else. It's alot of work but I'm confident I can do it. I just need to keep reminding myself not to slack off (which is more of a habit than anything with me).

As for the people, they're not too bad either. Since everyone is new to me, it's been easier to fit in. They very friendly and although they're not on the same wavelength as me (I'm not holding myself to a higher standard, I just don't think the way most people do), but they're definitely closer to it than my other friends. Of course, I'm obviously under-exposed, being the Shah Alam raised girl that I am, so this might be a good experience. I'm having fun, for sure. Maybe giving more of myself to this school experience will make things even better so we'll see how it goes. As for now, I'm going to try as hard as I can to catch up and get into this Form 6 thing a little more whole-heartedly.

Moving on, I have the FLU! Argh! Not again. :( But do not fret, I say, for I have come across and ancient (not so ancient actually but it sounds nicer) form of remedy. It is said that to be rid of this wretched virus, all I have to do is place an onion in a bowl on my night stand while I sleep. When I wake up, I should be healed. Ergo, I will try out this ancient magic and let you know how I feel tomorrow. If it works, I shall be singing praises to God for his almighty wonders and if it does not go my way, I shall still sing to the glory of God for such a wondrously delicious fruit (I love onions by the way)

I would love to give you an introduction to my classmates, but since I don't know them enough and I'm in no condition for another long post, I'll leave it here for now and get back to you tomorrow, if and hopefully when, the onion remedy works.

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