Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Everything seems like it's falling apart. Work is going haywire with my schedule being off every week, school is getting unbearable with friendless days, and everything else is just out of control. I don't know what to do. I just feel like I need to escape this and go somewhere new. A fresh start might be a good idea. It's not easy, of course. Changing schools is a lot more than just moving from one place to another. I have to figure out work, transportation, scheduling, time off, fees, books and even friends. It wont be easy on me or on ma and I'm sorry, but I can't take this anymore. Ma suggested giving it a month, since nothing in my life is stable now, maybe the time will help. I disagree. Time wont make it better. Instead, time has made things worse. If I stay here much longer, I don't know how much of 'me' will be left.

World Stage momentarily made things worth while, but the energy has faded now and I'm left with nothing but the bare pain of school. As soon as I stepped into school, I was back where I didn't want to be. Getting good grades in some of my papers was lifting but not enough and soon I sank back down.

I know that transferring school will take a lot of work and hassle. Something both I and ma have to face. I'm sorry for burdening you with this. It's my heartache but you bear it too and I thank you for that.

..This way ain't working so I'm going that way instead..
To quote Harry Potter in Prizoner of Azkaban:
"Anywhere is better than here!"
Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon

*Drawings are proudly presented by me:) It's what happens when I'm in school^^
*The signpost was inspired by India Jones
*The dragon is the Horntail from The Triwizard Tournament
*The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Crest (more or less:))

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