Saturday, August 7, 2010

Divine Humour

God is a funny man. When I was feeling so upset and frustrated with almost everything, I found a way out. A new adventure to take my mind away from the darkness. Once I get there, I won't feel like this anymore and things will get better. Just as I confirm my leaving, he springs on me some beautiful moments. It's like he's testing me, trying to see if I really want to this new chapter for myself and not for some obscure reason like escape.

The very same day I took the first step of a new adventure, he showed me that I'm not a loser in everyone's eyes. Not everyone thinks I'm nothing. The next day, he shows me that I wont be forgotten, that I have friends who will actually miss me. After that, I just felt so happy to be where I was that I started wondering; 'maybe I'm not supposed to leave'. But no, I'm leaving anyway, because I know that if I stay I'll fall back down. These moments I was gifted with were not meant to make me stay. In fact, they were planted in my life just to give me some confidence and to help me understand that everything I want in life is possible. Also, I realised that I'm not someone who can stay in one place for too long. My biggest fear is being stuck in a routine my entire life. That's not me and I wont let that happen. I'm going to make sure my life is an adventure all the way. I want to explore and experience. I'm working on it and I'll make sure it happens.

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