Thursday, September 2, 2010

Introducing.... The Cast of L6E1

Well, after two weeks in my new school, I feel that it's time to tell you all a little more about it (more than the little notes I've been dropping in these last few posts, that is).

I'll start off with the environment. I quite enjoy it actually. It's much cooler here than it is back home mostly because there are trees everywhere I look. In the middle of the tarmac (that's what they call their assembly area which by the way is not paved with tar but with bricks! [I can sense Dinesh rolling his eyes at me:)]) there's a huge tree. It's beautiful, with long winding branches and a thick sturdy trunk. It must be year's old. Also, because it's such and old school. the buildings aren't very organised but that's part of the charm. There's even a staircase that leads right into the canteen. Awesome!

The teachers are OK too, I guess. They're like any other teacher only they're much more experienced than any I've met before. They're all quite old-fashioned and since it's primarily a boys school, the discipline is slightly stricter. There are areas in which discipline can be improved, but still, they're doing much better than my previous schools. I do feel that in my previous school, the discipline, especially for the girls, are set to a much higher standard. However, I suppose that since girls are pretty much the minority, a little license is allowed.

Now, we come to the students. As I've mentioned before, they're quite different. The two girls in my class who are taking English Lit with me are very nice. One I know a little more than the other because the latter has been absent for a while now but still, both are quite friendly. This one girl, Visa (pronounced Visha), is so in love with being a Ceylonese (I'm not complaining here. I'm commending her love!) and we talk a lot since neither of us is taking History. It's been fun getting to know her. She's not exactly like me but I can definitely relate to her. She's the one who got me acquainted with a lot of them at school and I'm forever grateful (THANK YOU!). Movin' on, I'd say that the most outstanding character there would be this guy called Dinesh. He's a ball to be around. He's part of KLPAC and is currently working on Twelfth Night
(showing at KLPAC from 16-19 September). He breaks out in song and does various impressions in class almost everyday. He's fairly outspoken and I can tell that I'm a mystery to him (being the weird one, I'm used to that.. haha!). He's trying to figure me out but he hasn't managed yet. This morning, I arrived at school like normal but Dinesh didn't see me. After the second period, he turned around, saw me at my desk and got a shock. He was wondering when I came into class. He didn't see me all through the first period even though everyone else did. I tried to convince him but he still thinks I slipped later. Blur la~~

Right, now that's done, I'm off to watch some TV. CHAO!

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