Monday, September 13, 2010

Watcha Lookin' At?

Two down, one to go! Yay! I've finished my MUET and PA essays. Only one more BM essay to go before I'm home free to be bored all day long. I guess just sitting here while Ma was working really got me into it. To pass the time, I did my homework. I should do this more often. Ha ha:)

Anyway, now that MUET and PA are completed, I can focus on BM(which I have no idea how to do at all!) and Literature(which I've not started on yet). Literature will be fun so I want to finish BM first. Get the 'gray' out of the way, and then on to the more colourful ones (I mean 'colourful' as in fun for me to read, not 'colouful' as in the poems are lively. The one's I'm supposed to be reading are about 'Death'. Nothing colourful about that!) Anyway, I'm leaving BM for tomorrow and Lit for Thursday.

While I was finishing up my PA essay (Ma went out to the Hospital for a meeting), I heard a tapping sound coming from the sliding door so I went to investigate. Slowly but surely, I crept to the sliding doors and my stomach did a back flip. there was a huge Monitor lizard knocking on the doors (trying to say 'Hi' maybe?). I just stared at it for a while and then grabbed my phone to take some pictures! The thing is, I did not bring my USB cable nor did I bring my memory card reader. Thankfully, I found a memory card reader on Kak Zaleha's desk. So here he(or she) is:

I don't know what species exactly

Long.. Really long!

Whatca lookin' at??

Long claws too
It had yellow spots on its scales near the claws. Quite cool actually. Anyway, while I was uploading the pictures, it ran away. It's probably still out there in the garden!

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