Friday, September 3, 2010

14 Hour Day

Before I really start, I'd like to mention that today has been a really, really long day. We (ma and I) left the house at 6am and only reached home a little after 8pm.

T.G.I the last day of school!!!!!!! Two weeks off and even though I have homework (3 1/2 essays & 1 objective paper to be exact), I'm stoked! I've got it all planned out and this time, I have a feeling that things will go according to plan. Obviously, I'm going to stay up late today, just to mark the beginning of the holidays :)

Apart from being the last day of school before Raya, today I went to my first ever CSS meeting and English Lit class. I'll start of with CSS. They're a bunch of hyper catholic boys, in love with their religion and so completely stunned that there is a girl in their group. I'm not too sure but I think it's been a while since they've had a girl in CSS. Anyway, being the only girl, my dear mother's predictions came true when they unanimously decided to make me their new Secretary. I'm honoured of course and I'm happy with the way they welcomed me. They were of course shy, as was I, but I can see us all getting along quite well. I'm very excited for all the planning of activities to start. Many of them go to the same church and it's nice to have a little piece of it here in school too. It's like a connection between home life and school which I've never really had. They're good boys and I'm looking forward to the coming year.

On to Literature, of the English nature that is. We had our first official class today in one of the CERiA cabins. I have to say, out of all the classes I've ever attended in my entire life, this was the most exciting (BM ties with it for 1st place, though). We read through and analysed 3 poems by Hardy (just to begin with). It is still an intimidating subject to me but I feel that with the help of our teacher, we'll be able to make it through fairly well. The poems we covered today were the simpler ones and from what I gathered throughout the class, the teacher thinks we'll be able to understand the meanings quite easily. I'm having a great time. So far, the only glitch is in finding a proper venue to meet up. CERiA was fine when the classes were supposed to be on Saturdays but now that it's on a weekday, we'll need to source out another option. The last resort will of course be the teacher's office but I think somewhere else (maybe a park or a quite cafe) would be better and less imposing. She's already spending her time on us so let's try not to take her space as well. She really fun to study with and she's so obviously passionate about Literature that learning isn't so much learning as it is an experience with her.

Once Monday comes, I'm getting into my school mode to make sure I finish my homework as soon as possible. I know I've said that before and it didn't happen but this time, I'm all charged up and in the mood, which I'm sure will last through out the holidays. Right now, I'm in a mode where I can see myself doing all the things I want to do, experiencing and living the life I want to live. I can see those images so clearly in my head that I just know I'll be able to get there. That's why I know I'll be able to finish my homework fast and spend the holidays like I've always wanted too. ::) It's a powerful feeling. A 'sometimes-you-just-know' moment. This is it. I know it is!


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