Monday, September 6, 2010

Love, Sanity & Faith (or Lack of It)

So, on Saturday, we re-arranged the furniture in the hall. The junk is all out and things were moved here and there. The hall now looks much bigger and much less cluttered. I like it! We were thinking of re-painting the hall. I suggested different colours for each wall but that suggestion seems to have led to a discussion on my sanity:) Today, I waged war on my room! I was fighting from the crack of dawn (10am to be exact) till way after lunch time. This first battle ended with almost 75% of my room re-organised and cleaned. All that's left is the junk under my bed which I feel requires a whole day to itself. This battle may be won the war is still on. I have two weeks (13 days to be exact) to raise my flag in victory.

The rest of the day I spent catching up with Nadiah. We haven't seen each other in a while but when we met it was like we were never apart (I sound so romantic... haha!). Anyway, we had fun telling each other tales about our new school (UiTM Penang for Nad & LaSalle PJ for me) and our favourite subjects (Cooking for her & BM for me). She's really enjoying herself and I'm glad. I really missed having her around and I know that all too soon I'm going to have to say goodbye again but I'm not going to think about it just yet:)

Moving on, I'm pretty sure that my sense of timing and bad memory when paired together will hurt me one day. I accepted Nad's offer to break fast with her tomorrow but I forgot that the Tuesday that I planned to go out for dinner with my family is actually this Tuesday (tomorrow) which means I'm going to have to cancel with Nad. I feel terrible because this is the second time I've had to cancel with her and both times were my own fault. Of course, she understands but I just feel bad for doing it. I'll make it up to her:)

A few of things I just felt like posting:
*Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc After this, therefore because of this
*Hebrews 11:1 Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
*I said to ma today, "I lost my sanity when I cut my hair" and she replied, "You need to have something to be able to lose it". My dear mother:)

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