Friday, September 24, 2010

FunDay, FoodDay, FinalDay(of the week)!

Finally Friday! This week has been keeping me busy. I'm a little behind on homework but hopefully I'll be able to catch up during the weekend. Now that I think about it, I actually have a lot going on, in school, church, BEC, and my personal schedule. I have to make sure I avoid biting off more than I can chew. I'm still sane, thankfully, and I'm actually handling things quite well. Better than I would have a few years ago, anyway.

We had a little origami class in school today. We made birds, hearts and little 'sampan's. Dinesh named his boat 'Ath'ena' (Apparently it's the ship that got wrecked in the beginning of twelfth night) and I named mine 'Petite' (as in, the opposite of Titanic. Also, that's what Visha called me:)). Witty, no? Romina and Visha got a heart each and little birds that actually didn't come out good. Which reminds me, I have some PA homework to finish.

Anyway, moving on to food! Today, ma and I actually cooked a proper meal for ourselves. Ma made fried rice (delicious!) and I made spring rolls. My first time, but it tasted quite good.

Ingredients for the filling: Spring Onions, Carrots, Light Green Chili

Filling the spring (before it becomes a roll:)

Rolled and ready to fry
Viola! The end-product.
 Tasty :)
Awesome dinner today.

Anyway, tomorrow, I'm heading off to go see Dillon! His parents want to take him to a photo studio for a photo shoot. I've never done anything like that so I'm quite excited. Most babies cry a lot during photo shoots but Dillon is really easy going (unlike his dad :P), so I think he'll be fine. I am, however, kind of worried that he's forgotten me (which is very possible since I haven't seen him in quite a while). I'm hoping he has a great memory (to remember his long lost sister) or at least a good judge of character (knowing that I love him and just want to spoil him all I can!). I'm so excited to the point where I've already picked out my outfit for tomorrow. Something sweet, comfortable and baby friendly.

I was thinking about getting him a present for his birthday but it seems the cons outweigh the pros. He's growing fast so it'll be a 'No' for clothes. I don't think he can fully enjoy a proper toy, and a card is just tacky (even if he could read). I'll hold off the material spoiling till he's old enough to remember:)

My lids are getting heavier by the minute so see y'all around!

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