Thursday, September 30, 2010


Supposed to be posted yesterday (29/09/2010)
School was kind of normal (as normal as possible, that is). We had a short career talk before school ended. It was very interesting. We filled out a personality form and found out the kind of people we are (left- or right-brained) and the kind of job that suits us.

There was something about peripheral vision, moving forward & focusing but never losing sight of everything else that's going on. Something ma already taught me! :) When I was working at Carismen Dolce, I did some data entry work and at the beginning, I was so focused that I ignored everything and everyone else around me. Then ma told me that I shouldn't do that especially in the store environment when customers can enter at anytime and needs to be tended to. So, lesson learnt!

After that, the guy told us that there were three kinds of people in the world. People who;
We're supposed to be the ones who make things happen of course.

And then there was this whole thing about the difference between having a career and a job. A career  being a lifetime appointment and something you love and want to do. A job; something you just do in exchange for cash. Obviously, I want a career. Though what that may be is still a mystery to me. After the personality test, I've found out that I'm a right-brained kind of person. Yellow and Red are my colours, which symbolises someone who is emotional, charismatic, prefers chaos and is definitely weird on some level. Not bad, considering...

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