Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back To Basics

We now have our very own bread maker! The bread tasted good (normal actually but somehow much better because it was homemade...in a manner of speaking) I had so much fun. I kept checking the machine every 10 minutes and counting down the time to my first bite. We made normal white bread as a start. Once we manage to get that right, we'll move on to ma's walnut bread. After that it's sun-dried tomato bread. I'm so excited! Unfortunately, I still haven't started on my homework yet. How terrible of me! No worries, I'll make sure I get started tomorrow. No more delays. I really don't want to slog it out at the last minute. I need to get it done comfortably. I shall and I will!

Now I'd like to talk about the 'p.s' I wrote on my last post.
*Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc - After this, therefore because of this (I got it from "West Wing" the TV series). I realised that this applies to almost every situation in life. Not every situation, but almost. When we do something, there are of course consequences and those consequences happen because of what we did. Hence, Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc:)

*Hebrews 11:1 - Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I think we've all forgotten what Faith really is at some point in our lives. We forget, sometimes, that is the simplest things that have the most power. Faith is simple but it's not easy. We need to trust and believe before we can have faith and those two things aren't easy either. However, it's the wonder of the human race that we can still have Faith even in our darkest times. It will go missing at times but we'll never lose it completely.

*I have no comment on this because I believe it's true:) Haha!

Alrighty, I have no idea what else to say so that's all for now. Aloha!

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