Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Embracing The Rain

First off, this is my 100th post this year! Wohoo!

School was so much fun today. During MUET, we did group discussions. Since my half my group didn't turn up (they're in hospital), I'm not due to present till next week (Alleluia!). Visha and Romina were in the same group and they were debating (and monopolising the whole discussion) about who's point is better. It was fun to watch, I must say. Visha was so into her point and I could see she was getting emotionally attached to it (I understand though, 'cause I'm exactly the same) whilst Romina was very calm and she managed to convince everyone. However, I think Visha would have ploughed on if not for the time constraint.

Anyway, during BM, we were learning about 'Proses Morfologi', 'Pengimbuhan' to be exact. I think I've said this before but I'll say it again, I really enjoy the BM classes. Learning a language from the roots is really something. My use of the language, however, is still very poor and I'll have to work on it really hard. I won't be perfect but to be good is great. :)

Economics was the best. Even when Dinesh was sitting in the row in front of me, I was laughing non-stop at his and Visha's antics. Today, he decided to sit next to me. You can imagine just how much more I was laughing. Visha was hilarious too. Everything was amplified.

After school, we joined a treasure hunt organised by L6S1 in conjunction with the Month of Independence (did I say it right??). Anyway, It was really fun. I was in a group with Karthiga and Tamil. We, or more accurately I, was running around everywhere. I was a ball of energy (even though it was raining cats and dogs). We tried our best to answer all the questions. We left one of it blank (Semangat Membaca........?), and the other question that we didn't know, we guessed the answer (When did tun Dr. Mahathir declare the Malaysia Flag as Jalur Gemilang?) We only wrote down a random year; 1997. Our theory being that if no one else got it (since everyone seemed to be having an issue with that particular question), our year would be correct and we'd get the extra point. F.Y.I: I just checked, the actual date was 31August 1997. Yay! So now I'm hoping we get a point:). there was one question that we couldn't not have answered without help from Team Revolution (Visha, Romina and Dinesh). It was a calculation question. We really didn't have enough brain energy to do the math so they helped us out. Thanks Guys! :)

That was the day so far. I have some Economics work to finish up and then, hopefully, sleep. I've kind been an insomniac these past few nights. I wasn't exactly completely awake but neither was I dead asleep (I'm always usually dead asleep!)

Alright then. Chao for now!

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