Monday, September 27, 2010

The Mystery of Self Respect and Science

Today, I'll start off with the assembly in school. The prefects were checking every body's socks because someone was wearing yellow socks and they were trying to find out who it was. While checking, one prefect told off an upper six girl who had dyed her hair. That girl, in turn, got defensive and argued back. The prefect didn't say anything much after that with the exception of a warning. Once the prefect left, the girl started to vent her feelings to her friends in a very loud and sarcastic way. She kept hurling insults at the prefect all through the Negaraku, Selangor Anthem and School Song. It was totally annoying. I was so tempted to tell them to quite down, but I didn't since I knew what would happen if I did. After the song, they continued to utter abuse, now directed at the entire prefects board and the school itself, during the morning prayers. Talk about lack of respect. It doesn't matter to me whether you're right or wrong, as long as you have some respect, if not for the school or state, at least for you're country. We should be thankful that we live in a country where we can go to bed without worry. We have running water, electricity, clean air and most importantly, peace. So, no matter how upset, mad, hurt or angry you are, you put it aside and proudly sing the National Anthem. After that, feel free to continue your string of condemnation. The same should be for the prayers. Just because you're not Muslim nor a Christian, you don't have the right to disrespect their prayers. How would you feel if I talked loudly and insulted people openly while you were praying? Where's you self respect? In my book it's completely tarnished  thanks to you immaturity. Some decency would be much appreciated.

Anyway, after school we (Visha and I) had R&D with Pn.Soleha. Dinesh joined us a little later on when the topic was traditions. We talked about Sarees and traditions of each culture but somehow we managed to steer the conversation to boys and girls. Visha said that girls have two extra ribs (I thought so too but didn't I read somewhere that the myth was busted?). Then Pn.Soleha mentioned the story of Adam and Eve. Eve was made from a rib bone that God took from Adam. I said; "I wonder if there was any anesthetics involved at that time?" and Dinesh, the smart-alec, said; "So that means God invented cloning! That's where science started!." (o.O)

He went on and said, God told Adam and Eve not to eat the Apple from the tree because it was sprayed with insecticide and that Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden because they were contaminated with insecticide!

Hence, God invented science and the proof is -he made Eve from Adam's rib bone. The earliest documented case of cloning.

!!Oh what geniuses we have nowadays!!

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