Thursday, January 19, 2012

Simple Complexities

Sometime I wish I could read people's mind. Not to pry or anything but just so I know what they mean. Don't you want to understand people better? I know I do.


Also, I just saw this movie. I wanted to watch it for a while now and after I finally did. I didn't post anything about it after watching the movie. Like, no tweet or FB status or whatever about it. Which isn't unlike me la. I don't tell the world EVERYTHING I do.

Point is, after I saw the movie, this other person I kinda know tweeted about it. "Just watched it, blah blah blah.." That got me thinking, "that's weird, isn't it?"

It just so happened that the both of us wanted to watch the movie and only a few days after I said I wanted to watch it (I tweeted that I wanted to watch this movie), this person does too. Is that like a cosmic sign or something? Is the Universe trying to let me know that this person and I have common interest? Is it trying to give me and opening, an opportunity, a conversation starter?

And then, the whole 'reading people's minds' thing comes. I would really love to know if what I posted led to this person watching that particular movie.

Hmm.. anyway, I think the simplicity of the Universe and the Human Brain is too complex for me to handle right now. Wish I could, though.


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