Sunday, January 15, 2012


I met Simple Plan last night! It was a surreal experience! All this while, they've been there for me in song, in posters, in their tweets and videos; they were there but so far away that they seemed almost unreal. But last night, I experienced them live. Now I know for sure that THEY ARE REAL!!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I entered the venue for the sound-check party. They were on stage! They played two songs for us; old school stuff. So old school, in fact, that Pierre forgot the lyrics on the second song :)

I was just drinking it all in. After the two songs, the boys had us stand against the railing in one line so that they could see everyone! Everyone got to meet them!! I saw them, talked to them, got their autographs, took pictures with them and I EVEN GOT TO HUG CHUCK!

That was the most awesome night of my life!! After last night, everything else seems so flat! My heart is still pumping from the experience. I wish it could have lasted longer. I want more!

David threw his guitar pick my way about 3 times! I didn't get any but my glasses fell off twice in the rush to grab the pick. At the end of the show, Seb came to our side of the stage and threw his last pick into the crowd. It flew right over my head and Nadiah managed to snag it!

The energy throughout the entire show was electrifying. Seb's dance moves were epic and David was so crazy! Jeff rocked it on the guitar, especially during the Summer Paradise solo. Chuck was sweating barely 5 minutes into the show! And Pierre, everyone was going gaga over him!

We stood right in front, squashed against the railings. We were SO CLOSE! Seb even looked right at me at one point! He pointed at me! (I'm pretty sure he did. It was me he was looking at!) I hope they come back again! I asked Pierre if they were going to come back soon and he said that they would, next week! Haha:) If only that were true!

The boys were so nice! All of them were. Seb was so sweet and polite. He could see how nervous we were so he made sure he signed everything and that we got a picture with him. Jeff was awesome! He moved in the first picture so he asked that we take another one. I mean, who would care that much? Jeff would! Pierre let me take a picture of his tattoo and David was kind of quite but he was flirting a lot with some of the girls. And Chuck, oh Chuck. He was so good to us. He told the security people to make sure we (the fans in the meet and greet) didn't get sent to the back of the line. So they put us right in front. Thanks to Chuck, we got the best seats in the house!

Anyway, here are some pictures:

OMG! So close to SEBASTIEN!!

CHUCK hugged me!

I could see JEFF's lip ring so clearly! 

That's DAVID!!
Last night wasn't a crazy night just in K.L Live but on Twitter too! Astronauts (Simple Plan fans) all over the world joined forces and managed to get each band member to trend worldwide! It started off with Pierre, then Chuck, followed by David Jeff and Seb. Also, we managed to get "Astronauts Love Simple Plan" and "Simple Plan Saved My Life" trending world wide too! All in all, there were 15 different topics on Simple Plan trending worldwide on Twitter. The power of Simple Plan fans!

In Malaysia, all the band members trended at the same time! AHHH!

I had a blast! I'm so glad I had the chance to see them live and meet them and take pictures with them too. It was a dream come true. Thank You Lord! And Mama and Bro too :)


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