Sunday, January 22, 2012


I wanted to get this down while it's still fresh!

Dillon Li Fernandez is the most adorable little boy I have ever met! I'm so happy that he's my brother! Thanks for that, dad!

We went there for CNY dinner tonight. At first he was kind of shy. No wonder, since we saw him about a month ago. He was being all shy and blushing a lot. He knew us, of course, but he had his drama to put on while warming up to us.

Dinner was nice. The food was good and we had a good time. Dillon was the man of the hour for sure. He's a pretty nice kid. He listens to you when you tell him something and he's not overly dramatic. But then he is also a little bit of a spoilt brat. I guess that's a given when you're the only child.

Anyway, the best part of the night will always be the end. We were leaving and Dillon wanted to come with us. The great thing is, when I carried him out the door, it wasn't his mummy or daddy that he asked for. He wanted his slipper! Haha! He just kept saying, 'Slipper, must take slipper' in his cute little baby boy voice. What a child!

So, the plan was that I'd carry him to the elevator and he'd cry for his mum and dad but that didn't happen! He just came with us and we went all the way down. He wasn't worried about where his parents were at all. He just kept asking for his koko (brother) and che che (sister, me!). He wanted to keep us in sight. When we reached the bottom, our father called and asked to send him back up.

The little tyke just can't say goodbye. He hates it! Even when his Godfather was leaving, he refused to say goodbye. I think he knows that it'll be quite a while till he sees us again.

So, when I sent him back up, he just kept asking for his koko and che che to stay.He was so adorable! OMG!!!

At this point, my mind went to what Stephanie Meyers wrote in Breaking Dawn when Bella had her child. "There was no division – my love was not split between them now; it wasn't like that. It was more like my heart had grown, swollen up to twice its size in that moment." That's exactly how I feel. I just have more love to give.

I love Dillon so much! Yes, I do get a little awkward with him in the beginning (I've never been good with little children) but he always manages to melt my heart. When the three of us brothers and sister were standing together, everything just felt so right. So surreal, but so right. Sometimes I think of Dillon as if he could be my own child (silly..?) and then there are times when I think, "Man, I can't wait for the sibling bonding sessions we'll have when he's a teenager!".

Of all the things I hate my father for, this definitely isn't one of them. Dillon Li Fernandez is the best gift (other than my life, my brother and Aunty Doreen) that my father has ever given me. For these, I'm truly grateful.

Also, he doesn't know who Simple Plan is, so that's a strike against him. :)

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