Saturday, January 28, 2012

Reaching For Freedom

Currently reading: How To Be Free by Tom Hodgkinson.

Right off the bat, I can tell you that this guy, Tom, has a great writing style. I enjoy reading the book not because it helps me be free, but because it's really enjoyable. The way he writes makes reading come alive and all colourful.

I've read 3 chapters so far. Here's the gist; Chapter 1: Ride A Bicycle, Chapter 2: Play The Ukelele, and Chapter 3: Cancel All Direct Debits. I'm on Chapter 4 right now. It's all about careers and boredom. What I've managed to wrangle so far is that boredom is a killer and that careers oppress creativity.

I love the way he reasons and how he transforms societal norms into a thing of endless limitations. He makes so much sense that he could be either crazy or completely right. Just reading the book makes me feel limited, like I have to go jump in a puddle of water to loosen up or something.

I'd quote so many things from the book but I'm too lazy to go and get it right now. So, I'd suggest you read it. Seriously, even if you aren't into the whole non-fiction thing, this really is awesome. I don't usually read non-fiction or self-help books because I find them quite dull, irritatingly instructive and mostly a threat to individuality (I'll get to that some other time) but this one is quite different. The facts and fancies, logical reasoning nd quotes from other authors make for a good read.

Now, I'm going to go plaster my room wall with some cut out shapes because.... well, because I can :)

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