Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mish-Mash of Malaysianism.

Ok, there are a few things I wanted to talk about here but as usual, my poor memory is such a tool. I knew I should have written it down.

First up, I want to talk about being Malaysian. I've been getting a lot of slack lately for not being able to speak Tamil. Yes, I am and Indian who DOES NOT speak Tamil. I grew up in a household that spoke English. On rare occasions, I heard some Tamil conversations, really shorts one. Hence, I can understand a little, but once you go more than 5km per hour, you lose me.

Some people have said that I should be embarrassed for not being able to speak Tamil. Some even laughed at me. Well, you know what, I'm offended. Yes, I'm Indian and yes, I wish I understood the language better. However, I am a Malaysian first and foremost. My great grand parents were from India (I'm guessing, I'm not sure. I have to check that out) but I was born in Malaysia. Being Indian is my heritage. But being Malaysian is me, and it will be my children's heritage.

I'm proud to say that I can read, write and speak BM very well, as I should be able too seeing as I'm a Malaysian. I'm proud of my country. I'm not embarrassed whatsoever when people say, "You can't even speak your mother tongue?" because to me, Malay is my mother tongue. This is where I was born, where I grew up and where I live. This is my origin, and I see nothing wrong with that.

I'm not disowning my Indian heritage. I'm acknowledging that it's part of my history but it's not completely me. I  am a Malaysian, and darn proud of it. So, back off. Please and thank you. :)


Next up, I cannot wait for my STPM results!! When are they going to release it?? AHHHHHH!!!


I can't wait for EUROPE! :)


I'm really happy because I've made a lot of new friends this year, not only at work but all over as well. I've made quite a few friends through the common love we have for Simple Plan. Seriously, they're really nice, normal people who just happen to adore SP as much as I do.

I think it's awesome.


Ok, this will be longer.

I always talk about living outside the box. Leading a creative life, unhindered by societal norms. It's easier said than done.

There was this window of opportunity for me to do exactly that. I had a chance to do something fun and totally out of my comfort zone. I really wanted to do it, but I let fear get in my way. I think the window of opportunity has shut tight but I might be able to open it up just a crack. Just go for it right??

On the same topic, but not so: Though I'm all for colouring outside the lines, I also happen to be a stickler for rules. I think rules are there for a reason and though sometimes, they are meant to be bent, we should still keep to them.

This might sound completely insane, but I feel that it's entirely possible to lead a creative, fulfilling, let's-colour-outside-the-lines life while still following the rules. Don't you?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Allan Waters Humanitarian Award

At the Juno Awards (music awards in Canada), there is one special award given out to 'recognise outstanding Canadian artists whose humanitarian contributions have positively enhanced the social fabric of Canada'. This is called the Allan Waters Humanitarian Award.

And guess what? The award this year goes to the boys of SIMPLE PLAN!

I'm so proud of them! Their efforts and the work by the foundation, The Simple Plan Foundation, are being recognised. I just wanted to get this out there. This is just amazing. To know that, firstly, they still keep the foundation going strong and that their effort is being honoured, it's huge!

I'm so proud of them!

They've donated more than $750,000 to various youth-focused charities since December of '05 both in Canada and around the world and after their most recent benefit concert with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, they've now donated up to one million!

Each year, they make more than 20 donations. They've help organisations such as War Child Canada, Kids Help Phone, The Lighthouse - Children and Families, St. Justine hospital and tons more. For every concert ticket sold on every tour this year, $1 goes to the foundation. Also, every new SP Crew fan club membership will also make the same donation.

Isn't this great? The guys are too humble to brag, so I'm gladly doing it for them. Honestly, I'm just so proud of them (I think I already said that). They've done so much for people. Their love for their fans is just amazing. They started the foundation after hearing all the stories from their fans about how difficult things get for them. They wanted to help and so they are.

They truly deserve this award. I know for sure that they'll keep going. This is just the beginning. And I'm glad to say, thought it's not much, I donated $2 to the foundation. One day, I hope I can do more.

Congratulations guys, you're awesome.
Stop dreaming, start playing!

These men, these men...

Sunday, February 19, 2012


On this issue of Kathy's Quips: INK!

Yes, I want to get a tattoo or two. I've always been fascinated with body art (piercings, tattoos, etc.) I used to watch Miami Ink faithfully each week. I loved watching the artist come up with custom designs and taking beautiful works of art from their clients minds, transferring it to paper and then onto skin. The details and effort put into one piece of art, no matter how small, that is what fascinates me.

Tattoos are beautiful. They are art. Whether it's redundant designs like tribal tattoos or custom, one of a kind designs, tattoos are the untold stories. To me, it's like graffiti; totally underrated.

There's always a story behind each tattoo. Sometimes it's a profound and lengthy story about someone's past, their struggles and loves. Sometimes it's just a joke or a bet. Either way, it's a part of life. Much like memories, permanently etched onto your body.

Ever since I saw my first few episodes of Miami Ink, I wanted a tattoo. Kat Von D looks awesome. Of course, I don't think I'll ever get as many tattoos as her, nor will I get them in totally unusual spots like the side of my temples or my knuckles, but I do want my own tattoo.

I've given it a lot of thought over the past few years and I've finally come up with tattoos that I want to get. Yes, I said, "tattoos"; plural. I won't get them all in one go, but I definitely want more than one.

First, I want to get a cross on my left wrist. Like this:

Just a simple cross on my wrist. The cross means so much to me. Firstly, I'm a Catholic, born and bred. I love my faith and I love God. He's with me always. I have a cross pendant that I wear on my necklace everyday. It makes me feel safe. Whenever I'm sad or scared or happy, I can always hold that pendant in my hand and feel God with me. 

There have been times when I've forgotten to put my necklace on (being the forgetful and absent-minded young lady that I am) and those days have never been all that good. Either I have a bad day or I end up being totally un-Christian. So, I want this tattoo so that I can have my cross with me at all times. Even if I do forget my necklace, I have my cross with me. It's a reminder for those times when I forget that God is with me, always.

The next tattoo I want to get is this:

I want to get this tattooed on my left arm as well. But, I want to get it as a mirror image. How I make this clear...? (So, in real time, I took some time off writing to come up with this poorly constructed picture to give you a clearer idea of what I'm talking about). Behold:

The resolution isn't too good but I think you'll get the gist of it. You see, I can't decide which way I want to place the tattoo. Should I place it so that others can see it the right way up (like the one above the crook of my elbow) or should I place it so that it's the right way up for when I look at it (like the one below the crook of my elbow)? In the end, I decided that I want to do both because art is for everyone to enjoy: Everyone, as in other people as well as ME:)

This is the Simple Plan icon from their first album. This tattoo will be my tribute to them. The past 7 years of my life have been filled with Simple Plan and I foresee my future to be filled with Simple Plan too.

The next tattoo idea I have is to get a phrase on my left ankle in white ink. I want to get:

I want it to spiral around my left leg, near my ankle. This also has meaning, probably the one that is related directly to my mental health! Hahaha:) When I was young, and even now, I've always had this group of imaginary friends in my head. They are the ones I run things by, have debates with, and talk to when I'm bored. Some might say it's my conscience, some might say it's just my over-active imagination. I say it's a little of both. 

Ever since I was a small child, I used to talk to myself. My mind has always been one of my closest friends. I used to be very socially awkward. I never had many friends and I really didn't want to socialise. So, I'd always just fall back on my imaginary friends. I'm better with real social interactions nowadays but I still have a very active friendship with my inner mind. 

Sometimes people think that I'm lonely (they don't say it but I know, because they try and make conversation with me with this really pitying look on their faces). Hence, the tattoo.

That's it, really. These are the ideas I've come up with after years of contemplation. I really want to get these etched on my skin forever because firstly, they all have a profound meaning to me and secondly, it's art that I want to share with the world. Also, on a side note, they'd make pretty good conversation starters. Not to mention that other Astronauts will be able to identify me as one of their own at one glance :)

So, recap: 
  1. a cross on my left wrist done in black
  2. the Simple Plan old school icon (mirror imaged) above and below my left elbow done in full colour
  3. "I am not alone; I have my imaginary friends" (without the quote marks) spiralling my left leg near the ankle done in white.

Of course, I've researched tattoo studios and parlours around KL. I've found one or two reputable places and I'm talking to people who've gotten tattooed as well. I know the importance of finding a good tattoo place that makes hygiene it's number one priority and has professional tattoo artists. 

Something that is permanent should be done properly and I'm taking all the precautions and checking everything I need to. It's like marriage, don't do it unless you're sure and you've found the right person.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

High Above the Lights

I just realised that I missed Genting!

I went to Genting Highland with a few friends last week! :) It was awesome. We took the bus and the cable car up. It wasn't a very long ride at all. I was pretty scared while on the cable car. We were so high up!

Anyway, at the theme park, we went on many of the scary rides. My personal favourite was the Tower (I don't know what the real name is.. Hmm..) It was the one where you go up slowly then drop really fast! It was awesome!!

We also went on the rollercoaster, the flying coaster, the dinosaur boat ride and the flume ride. Spectacular! We went on the Tower about 3 times, and also twice on each coasters! I wanna go again!!! :)

The first time on each scary ride, I screamed my throat hoarse. But after that, I ended up just laughing and enjoying the adrenaline rush:)

Oh! We went on that swing thing too. The carousel-like one, where you spin really fast sitting on a chain suspended swing? Yeah, that one! Great fun:)

My favourite part, though, was the bus ride down. It was already dark and because we were so far away from the city, the sky was clear as ever. Honestly, if I knew anything about Astronomy, I would've recognized probably a dozen different constellations. I've never seen so many stars before!

That really did it for me. I decided for sure that I want to live in a farm, away from the city lights so I can enjoy the bright night sky. :) I feel in love with the sky that night! (che, so cheesy.. hahaha)


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Human Aspect (2nd post of the day)

NOW, something else.

All this while, I've never really considered the human aspects of migrant workers. I mean, they've always been there. I think of the as workers. They works for money and on their off days they relax. Just like any other worker. What I failed to really see is that they're more than just workers. They're human.

They have families too, and their own lives back home. They have husbands or wives, children, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters that they leave behind so they can earn a better future for themselves and their families.

I met this guys at work. He's been in Malaysia for 2 years now. When he left Myanmar, his wife was 3 months pregnant. Which means, He's never even seen his baby! That is so hard to imagine, but it's happening. To not have held your child, your first born, when he was just a baby. To not be by your wife's side when she was in the delivery room. Those are what I call terrible moments.

He told me that he calls them once in a while and he speaks to his son. The son calls him papa over the phone even though they've never actually met. And I could see the immense love he has for his child. I can see in his eyes just how much he misses his wife and son, 24-7.

He said, 'When I talk to him on the phone, he just listens to me. He calls me papa. I love him so much! I miss him.'

That broke my heart. Every time this man talks about his family, he comes close to tears.He taught me this: Migrant workers have it a lot harder than anyone else. They leave their family behind (they'd rather not) to find a job that pays good so they can support their family. They don't go home for months, mostly years. I know another guy who hasn't been back in 5 years!

My heart goes out to them all. This man, he's going back to Myanmar for a month in April. That's all he can think about and I don't blame him. I don't know how he's going to find the will power to come back. I mean, he's going to see his son for the first time. I doubt he'll want to leave again.

Anyway, this is what I learnt. I learnt to see the human aspect in migrant workers. Something I'm ashamed to say, I failed to see before.

DIY Journal Adventure


I'm here again! :) Sorry for the disappearing act these past few days. I kind of ran out of things to write about. Well, I kept forgetting, actually. So, this is gonna be an explosion! (not really la..)

First up, remember my post on Wreck This Journal? If you don't, it's this one. Go read it! (Listening to some Seb Lefebvre while you read. Lalalala~~) Ok done? Great. Now, I said I might just create my own journal. Well, I did! I used the book Moe gave me for Christmas a few years back.

I picked some pages at random and added the instructions. So, as I write in the journal each day, if I ever come across one of those tagged pages, I have to do whatever is written in it. For example, if I come to the page that says "Spill Your Drink!", I have to spill whatever it is I'm drinking at the moment onto that page.

If I don't have a drink to spill, I can't move on to another page till I do. So, I either get myself a drink or wait till I get myself a drink. Cool right? I took the instructions from the Wreck This Journal pages, right here. I didn't use them all, but mostly la.

Anyway, I present to you, my very own Journal!

And my favourite pen:)


I'm done about the journal. It's gonna be an awesome journey!