Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Amy and June are both off. So here I am at work, kind of alone. Owais is coming at 1pm, so around his time it's like 1.15-1.20pm. Sherry is an SPG today. I was dreading this a little but she's not too bad. She doesn't talk much but that's fine by me. Amy and June left a note in the reservation book. THX GALS!

Anyway, I'm getting kind of comfortable here. It's not so bad. The more you get to know them the friendlier they are. It's like going back to school. You'll make new friends & learn new things. You'll meet different personalities; some you'll come to like and some you'll learn to tolerate. The best part about all of this is that it doesn't feel like work at all. Sure it gets boring once in a while but there's not feeling of 'aww man! Work... :('. We get paid to enjoy.

I ate something before I came to work to ensure that I wouldn't be hungry till my break time. I was wrong. It's only 1pm and already my stomach is growling. I don't think I'm going to Jasmine today. I feel like eating something sweet. Maybe I'll get a cake. But I need solid food too so maybe some chicken rice as well.

Owais is here! YAY! Sounds like he enjoyed the party. I'm glad he did because he wasn't so keen on it at first. Anyway, it's great that he working the swing shift today too. At least I'll have him as company.

I have changed my mind yet again. I'm now at Jasmine Cafe. I decided (finally) to eat one roti canai. It tasted quite good. Also, my fear of coming here alone has elevated slightly. I might go again next time.

Next, I need a book to read. My left brain (or right; whichever that's the creative part) needs stimulating. There's an MPH sale going on somewhere and I'm going as soon as I find out where. :):)

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