Monday, January 25, 2010

All In A Day's Work...

This is the post from today, all rewritten from my handy notebook. ENJOY! :)


Here I am, about an hour early for work. I am not going to sign in early because I know boss won't let me (they have to keep labour costs under control). So, I'm just sitting here on a bench, waiting for time to pass so I can start work. Then Again, there's not much to do when on the morning shift. All the duties can be done within 15-20 minutes. The next 40 minutes waiting for the shop to open I just spend looking around and once in a while turning away guests because the restaurant hasn't officially opened yet (what kind of people will want to eat breakfast at Friday's??) Anyway, I can't even go to Jusco to satiate my hunger because it's not opened yet. Even the washrooms aren't fully operational this early. Why am I here this early?? My mother needed to go to work earlier and so I had to go to work earlier. I'm not complaining, I just wish I had that extra hour of sleep, or at least to have somewhere to sleep while I'm here.

Trailing from that, I've always thought that it'll be a great idea to have some place people can go to just sit and relax. Like a restaurant, only it's not compulsory for you to become a patron to enjoy the seat. Just a place to sit, eat your own food, hangout with friends or even just read a book or lie down without having to feel guilty about using the space but not buying stuff from them. Get what I mean? A kind of hangout area or an indoor park. A second home. Sounds good to me :)

By the way, time is doing one of its mysterious moves again. Its crawling by so slowly!! After what, according to me, should have been 1 hour, only 20 minutes has passed. Step it up time!!...... Another hour (20 minutes)..........

I'm at work now (really). I've done all my morning duties and now the restaurant is officially opened for business. Here comes the hunger. I can't wait for my break. I want to try the roti canai at Jasmine Cafe. But then again, maybe I should stop thinking about food for now because my tummy is really rumbling. That's going to prove difficult though. The smell of the food is really hindering my feeble attempts to calm my gastric juices. THINK FOOD-LESS THOUGHTS! .... It worked, for now. However, I'm bored again. There's not much to do here (and here come the smell of food again!). Just standing around, looking at the same scenery day after day. The most I can do during these peak hours of boredom is to come up with a list of things to buy when I get my salary. In short, a Blow-Off-All-My-Cash List. It's not like I'm a shop-a-holic. I just like to plan what to buy. Most of the time I don't get everything on the list, only one or two essentials. It's the planning that helps. The problem is I don't want anything now so I can't make a list. I'll have to come up with something else.

(A few hours has passed, by the way) Angel didn't come to work. It's not too bad though because I don't really talk to her anyway and I have Amy to keep my company. She talks a lot (in a good way) and I listen. I try to talk too but I don't really know what to say so I just end up laughing. Basically, I love listening to people talk. I'm a listener, an analyser, an observer. I'm not a great conversationalist. I might have to work on that.

Ramesh just took my notebook!! He read it! It's not to be read by anyone but me until it's posted on my blog. "You're such a busy body Ramesh!". (BTW: if you're reading this Mesh, ENJOY THE PARTY & REMEMBER YOUR BET WITH NIL. DON'T VOMIT FIRST! LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES)

During break, I didn't go to Jasmine. I didn't want to go alone. So, I had lunch at the Jusco food court (Nasi Lemak with Rendang Ayam). Then, I had a McDonald's Chocolate Sundae with extra fudge. In conclusion, I'm STUFFED!

I'm so stuffed that I actually considered not eating dinner. But when dinner time came, I was hungry again. My stomach is like a bottomless pit. Anyway, I've finally reached season 4 of Voyager. It's getting fun. Seven of Nine is in the picture now. I just love her composure. :) She's so intelligent and so clueless at the same time.

I'm going to sign off here. It's along post already (fitting, since it's been a long day). CHAO!

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