Monday, January 25, 2010


The following post is actually what I've written in my notebook through out the day. This is from last night. I've decided to write through the day and post in on my blog at the end of the day so that I won't miss anything and the writing is straight from the heart. :)

Truth is I'm bored with my hairstyle. There's nothing much I can do about it. Whichever way I cut it, it's always big and poofy. It looks good on me when it's tame but that's only about 40% of the time. The other 60% of the time, I keep it tied up because it's too unruly. At the same time, I'm completely in love with my hair. I love the way it falls, I love the way it curls and I love the way it always seems to stay undamaged. I just wish I knew of a better way to cut it. A cut that will allow me to explore various styles and one that will keep my head of hair in check most of the time. Short hair: No way! Tried, but dislike. It gets too afro-like. Long hair: Sure, but what style? I can't thin it, I will not straighten it (it may pose complications but I do love my challengingly curly hair) and I am not going bald :) So what are my remaining options? I'm going to sleep on it and see if I can figure something out.

In a totally connected but unrelated topic, I believe that our subconscious mind is much smarter than that of our conscious mind. We dare to think beyond the boundaries and we explore ideas and thoughts through our subconscious in a way our conscious mind cannot. So, I'll let my subconscious have a stab at solving this hairy dilemma.

Moving on, the Rapid Action Team (RAT) in CDM is going to start a tuition centre in Alam Megah. They need volunteer teachers and I've decided to sign up. This centre will be especially for students who cannot afford to pay for tuition. We're going to help them with their education and I'm glad to be of help. Besides, I'm getting bored anyway. It'll be fun to teach others anything I can, to pass on the knowledge I've gleaned over all my school years. I've opted to teach English and Mathematics up to the Form 5 level. I have good English and though the grammar part may be difficult for me to teach, I know I can make a good impact on these kids writing skills. As for Maths, I love that subject and I've never had any problems with it. The RAT's (I love their name(: ) are going to have a meeting to get things organised and I just cannot wait!

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