Monday, February 22, 2010

Never Judge A Book By It's Cover..

Of that, I'm guilty as charged. I never thought I'd be the one to judge but I've realised that's exactly what I've done. I hope they can forgive me (they don't know though). I was wrong and now I'm going to be very concious of what I think about someone. I feel very ashamed now but I know I'll get better and learn from my mistakes. I was raised better and I hope I become better.

Anyway, I read this on someone else's blog and I have the same questions. My blog is public and I don't have a clue who reads it. So, how do I decide on what to post? Do I just keep writing the surface stuff or do I throw caution to the wind and write anything and everything that's on my mind? Do I keep my deep questions and thoughts locked in my brain or do I share it for the world to know? Sometimes I wish I could just scream my thoughts to the world because everything just seems too big to keep hidden. On the other hand, how do I know what people's response will be to my thoughts? I'm not a normal person. My questions vary to every extreme. "Why is the sky blue?" to "Does daddy really love me?" to "Will I ever find the one?". Like I said, I'm nothing but ordinary. Questions is, do I reveal to the world the conversations I have with myslef in my head? or do I keep them in my head? Right now, every fibre in my body is screaming for me to just post it for the world to see. But a little voice is telling me otherwise. another question: is the little voice always the right one?

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