Wednesday, February 24, 2010

IT'S IN!!!

Today, I went to the ATM machine purely to SEE my salary. I know it sound crazy but all I wanted to do was to see the numbers on the screen and let me tell you, it was very satisfying! To celebrate, I spent more than usual or even necessary on my lunch break. I decided to eat food from Wendy's. It was delicious. By the way, here's a friendly warning to everyone: BEWARE! Wendys' medium combo is huge and I'm sure their large combo is enormous. Break was fun. Nad was there and so was Barney. He ordered the combo fajita and I pinched a few from his plate (THANKS!). We talked and laughed and had lots of fun. He was teasing me about something and I sprinkled some pepper on him :) Needless to say, he disappeared for a few minutes.

Anyway, the new SPG's have been okay so far. They're learning, one a little slower than the others, and they're getting better. It feels great to see them all improving in their job because I trained them first so I'm like their coach. Now I know what my teachers and parents feel whenever I succeed at something. It's very satisfying. I want them all to do well, regardless of whether I like them or not.

Today was a learning day for me too. I was taught about the many sauces and soups in Friday's. Most of which I don't like at all and the rest I love. It felt kind of nice to be taught something. I felt like I was back in school. The weird part was that I didn't mind at all. In fact, I think I'm actually looking forward to school again. (That's me, the studying freak!).

Anyway, I'm so tired today (I have no idea why), so I'm going to sign off here. BYE!

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