Friday, February 26, 2010

Never Knew

This has been the worst week this year. My shifts are all terrible. I've barely even seen June at all this whole week and I only got one closing. The new people are okay I guess. Some of them are doing well but some are kind of slow. I understand though how hard it is to learn something so new. Therefore, I'm trying my best to help them in any way I can. I'm being extra patient and I'm teaching them all I know because I want them to do well too.

Another reason for this being such a horrible week is that there's been alot of drama. I'm not going to elaborate on it here. Suffice to say that some people can be really immature (which shocked me because I expected otherwise from them) and some people who I thought knew me, actually don't know me at all. The latter hurt the most. Their words pierced me like a cold knife. "I never knew you were like that". F.Y.I: I am not like that! You should know me, the kind of person I am. I thought you knew me but I guess I was wrong. I'm going to get over this but it'll definitely take some time. People don't realise sometimes how one little thing (big to me but undoubtedly little to you) can truly upset a girl.

I am in no mood at all for anything much. Some of my favourite people are either coldly distant or just far away. I feel kind of left out. Some of them I don't get to see very often either so that drags as well. I know that I'm over expecting but I can't help it.

It's a sad, sad day, week and month. Hopefully next week and month is much better than this.

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