Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sad, sad day..

Today, I walked into work knowing that I won't see June or Amy and I'll only see Owais at 1. So, to start off, my day was already sad. After that, a new SPG came in. She seems like a nice person but she wants closing shifts all week. That made me feel kind of resentful because I personally love closing shifts but now that she's here boss will surely give them to her. Also, some of my favourite dubs were off today and they'll be off tomorrow as well. On top of all that, there was a bit of a stir with an article from the Sun newspaper. It said that foreign workers aren't allowed to work in the frontlines (or something like that) so alot of my new friends may have to quit. I certainly hope that there's a way or a solution to allow them to keep their jobs. They're all student so they have tuition fees to pay and not to mention rental, bills and daily expenses. I'll defintely miss them if they have to go. I just met them and almost all of my favourite dubs are foreign. We've become friends and it'll be hard to see them leave (if they do, which I hope they don't).

On the bright side, June is working the closing shift so I'll get to see her tomorrow! :) I can't wait. I got to spend some time with Nadiah today too. We talked and talked and talked. Since we only had 30 minutes together, we we're both trying to get as much into the conversation as possible. It was kind of funny if you think about it. We just went from topic to topic with no pauses. It was fortunate that we've known each other for so long so we understood each other perfectly. I can't wait for a time when we both get closing shifts. At least then we can have a proper conversation.

Anyway, I have to go for my weekly violin class in a while. Chao!!

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