Monday, June 28, 2010

Should-Have-Skipped-School Day

My class had to attend the "Mesyuarat Agung Koperasi SMK Alam Megah Berhad" (annual co-operative meeting, I think that's the right translation) today. What a waste! I would have gladly skipped school today if I had known this beforehand. I could have visited Dillon! The meeting was from 8.10am till 10.10am which meant that we didn't enter class at all before recess. I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on in the meeting. I didn't want to be there at all. I started thinking, "Can I fake a tummy ache and asked to be sent home?". Oh, I wish! (Don't worry ma, you know I won't do anything like that. I'll ask for your permission first :) After recess, I had two periods of microeconomics, which I'm not taking, and MUET, which I can afford to skip. So, all in all, a wasted day in school.

Anyway, I spent most of the time in school reading a book. School has somehow managed to bring back the reading bug :P During the economics class, the teacher said something that really caught my attention. "Jangan buang masa, jangan main di luar" (that translate to, "Don't waste time and don't play outside"). Is this what you say to Pre-University students (as you call us)? You say we're becoming adult and that we're going to be treated as adults, but then you talk to us as if were only 5 years old. I'm not saying that we're all completely mature, but we're not exactly babies either. You can't choose when or under what circumstances you want to treat us like adults. If you want us to start acting like adults then I think it's fair to ask you to start treating us like one. Please don't confuse our already befuddled brain!

Moving on, here's something else that caught my attention in school. The MUET teacher somehow managed to steer the topic of conversation from listening tests to how we take our parents for granted (more specifically, mothers, since she's a mother too). She said something like, "Your mom gives you RM50, but you, not appreciating anything, spend it to reload your phone and then finish that credit up in less than a week. You never appreciate the work you mom put in to earn RM50. To you, it's nothing because you didn't have to go through it." Well, excuse my teacher, but I pay my own phone bills. I love my mom and I appreciate evrything she does for me but you should stop lecturing everyone without knowing the truth. You're talking to us on the assumption that all our moms work, and that they make a minimun of RM3000 a month. Well, I've got news for you; not all of us are rich and not all of us have a working mom.


On another note, today hasn't been a good day. I don't know why exactly, but I feel kind of sad. I can't put my finger on it. Hopefully I'll sleep it off.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Digging Deep, Moving Mountains

Youth Camp 2010. That's where I was for three days. We stayed at the Baptist Center in PD. We left at 2.30pm on Fridays with a bunch of the most subdued youths I've met. It wasn't completely their fault though because we don't really know each other so everyone kind of closed up. All through the bus ride, I was enjoying nature, from inside a modern contraption (oh, the irony!). On my right, inhabited and derelict shop houses and on my left, beautifully tall trees, green as ever. But the effects of modernization can be seen clearly on its yellowing leaves and fallen, dead branches dotted around the forest. If I concentrate hard enough, I might be able to hear the cries of nature, sad and mournful. (like Sound Machine from Form 4 Literature).

I think it'll be really awesome to watch the sunrise or set on the beach. I hope we get the chance. A real camping trip would be awesome too. A chance to really immerse yourself in nature. It makes me feel like I belong, more than if I were in school or in public, generally. Home of course is the best place to be, nature is next and then comes solitary confinement. I'm not dissing modern marvels (cellphones, cars, roads and electricity are all awesome inventions), I just feel that man should have the sense to stop somewhere.

Anyway, the camp was okay. I came to know a lot of great people and I had lots of fun with them. As soon as we arrived, we saw a litter of adorable puppies. One brown and four black. They were so tame and weren't afraid of or felt threatened by humans. We played with them every chance we got. The view of the beach was beautiful too. At night, a bunch of us stood close enough to the beach to hear the waves crashing onto the shore and we also saw lights from a lighthouse. It was really calming, something like meditation.

The sessions weren't too bad. Mervin was comedic and impressionable as usual. We watched a movie entitled "Facing The Giants" (something my brother would love). It was a christian movie and we learned a lot from it. The movie was about a failing football team (not soccer), the Shiloh Eagles, in a Christian school. They had not won a state championship in 6 years and the school was giving up on the head coach. Even the players were losing hope. The coach, however, found strength in God after some struggle and managed to help his team see light. After putting God first in their lives, everything just fell into place. they managed to give their all, more than they knew they had. There were a few scenes that I really liked.
  • The new kicker on the team, David, was about to take the deciding shot in the finals. His dad, who was paralyzed from the waist down, wheeled himself to the end zone. Just as David was about to kick, his father held on to the fence and stood for his son. It just goes to show just how much faith his father had in him. If I can do it, you can.
  • When they won the state championship, the Shiloh Eagles were celebrating in the locker room. The coach then said to David (who was really small compared to every other football player), "Don't ever let anyone tell you you're inferior because you're not. You brought them down ('them' being their opponents, The Giants)." Then he went on to ask each player, "what is impossible to God?". They all said, "Nothing!". I like how this scene reminds me of the story about David and Goliath.
  • After he reached home, the coach got the news, that after four years of trying and continuous negatives, his wife is finally pregnant. Then his wife says to him, "what is impossible to God? Nothing." The coach experiences God's might on a personal level.

Moving on, we had a play to do in groups and our titles were taken out from the bible. My group did 'The Ten Commandments'. It was awesome. Ours lasted the longest and it was also the best performance (in my opinion). We had a skit about a group of friends who managed to brake all the commandments in one day. At the end of the skit, we told everyone not to go against the commandments. Thanks to Stephanie (for the great idea), Jennifer (for the semangat), Michelle (for giving her all), and Eric (for being the star of it all)

We also took a short trip to the beach. 1 hour of fun in the sun. I swan for a while then I joined some of the others who were crab-hunting. Someone managed to find a lot of tiny crabs. When the hour was almost up, she intended to release them all but she was being a little sadistic. She let them go and just as they were about to disappear into the sand, she'd pick them up again and repeat the cycle. :( She finally let them all go when we were called back in.

On the last day, some of us chose a spot, far from the main building and we just chatted. I liked listening to them, Being there, in that moment, made me feel like never going back. All too soon, we were wrenched back into reality and here I am now, back in Shah Alam.

Anyway, back to life, back to reality.

Friday, June 18, 2010

An Uncommon Love

First up, I followed ma to work yesterday because I needed to go to the MPH Bookstore in MidValley. I'm looking for the text for STPM English Literature. Let me tell you, I've never been so diappointed in bookstores (not just MPH but others as well) as much as this. They only have one or two of the required text and even that is not satisfying because of the horrid font size. It's impossible to thoroughly enjoy a classic when you need a magnifying glass to read it. But I'm not giving up. I'm still on a hunt for the text and any past year questions (which MPH used to sell but not anymore).

Moving on, later at night, we went to watch Adam The Musical at The Actors Studio, Lot 10.

It was great. The story revolves around an engaged couple, Adam and Sylvia. Before the wedding, Sylvia finds out that Adam is HIV positive and she goes through an emotional roller coaster. Finally she decides to..... (go watch it yourself to find out the ending). It's all about the dangers of the times we live in, trying to fight off the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS patients and trying to bring about awareness regarding the this disease.

My favourite character was the crazy, lady with the wheel chair played by Tria Aziz. She was spectacular. Her character reminds of Belletrix Lestrange in Harry Potter. Wild eyes, crazy hair and cackling laugh. Her solo was really awesome. The gist of it is, live your life to the fullest because life is short but death is an eternity long.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lennon or Potter or Ghandi?

John Lennon: A legend.
Harry Potter: A wizard.
Ghandi: An icon.

What do they have in common, other than the British? They wear ROUND glasses! Not Oval, ROUND!

And guess what? I can join that list now! WOHOO! I've finally found glasses that are round (I repeat myself, not oval, round!). I'm ecstatic. Most people will say I look wierd and the rest will be saying the same thing in their hearts with a polite smile etched on their face. I, however, think it looks awesome. Say what you want, I like it!

OK, so that's how I look in round glasses. Kind of owlish but still, I like it!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


It's also June's birthday today! Finally 18 :) We (as in June, Emy and I) hung out after they (as in June and Emy) signed out. We had Secret Recipe cake, or cakes to be exact.

Chocolate cheese (by Emy), Pecan (pronounced as 'pekan' by us 'kampung girls') Butterscotch (by June), Brownie Walnut (by Me)

That's me attacking June's cake!

Here's June attacking Emy's choice!

And here's Emy about to annihilate my brownie!

Apparently, secret recipe upgraded and became kind of posh when I wasn't looking. They have really nice, bouncy banquets and beautifully black and emo chandeliers. We talked, ate, swapped cakes and talked some more. We had so much fun that we almost missed the movie, which was at 1940 hours (that's 7.40pm). Even when we realised that we were late, we remained calm and strolled towards the cinema. We arrived just as the movie started, luckily, so we didn't miss much.

By the way, it was a good movie. Funny and sweet. Not at all what you'd expect from a title like "The Killers". But then, once you hear that Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl are starring, you'll start laughing even before the opening credits. :) It wasn't terrible hilarious, but not a flop either. At least I don't think so.


Friday, June 11, 2010


Homework Status:

Pengajian Perniagaan: Done but not perfectly
PA graph: Not done (don't know how to create the graph because the values are too big)
PA newspaper articles: Still in progress. 1/3 done, 2/3 to go
PA 1 reading: Not even started
MUET essay: unfinished

I'm working on it and I hope to finish before next Wednesday. I want to have at least a few days to really be on holiday, with no homework to worry about.

Moving on, Daisy's back in Friday's! She such a bubbly character and now that she's back, I realised how boring we were in her absence. Luckily for us, she's here to stay! We were playing a 'tradisional' game (I don't know if I can call it tradisional since it's just rubber bands, but) called "Tali Bunga". June and I only know how to play up to a certain point, so once we reach that point, we bluff our way through. Daisy taught us how to go further. She also taught us how they usually start the game in Korea. Since it wasn't really busy, boss didn't say anything. It was so much fun. Daisy also taught us how to make stars and double stars using a single rubber band. June took some time but she managed a really nice one.


Anyway, on the off chance that you (the reader) forgot, today is the first day of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in Africa!! I missed the opening ceremony but that's okay. I'm sure there's going to be about 25 replays of that and every game for the next few weeks. I'll just catch it another time. As for the team I'm supporting, ENGLAND baby! And if I'm allowed to have more than one favourite, I'll be rooting for HOLLAND too. Speaking of teams, it seems to me that everyone is so hyped up about the world cup, even the players, and that has caused the rate of injury to increase dramatically. Since I'm so free with nothing but homework, housework and work to do (notice that all I've mentioned is WORK!), I've made a list of players who are going to miss the world cup this year due to injury:

  1. Rio Ferdinand (England)
  2. Beckham (England)
  3. Nani (Portugal)
  4. Ronaldo (Portugal)
  5. Ballack (Germany)
  6. Mikel (Nigeria)
  7. Drogba (Ivory Coast)
  8. Robben (Netherlands)
  9. Pirlo (Italy)
  10. Kewel (Australia)
  11. Brown (New Zealand)
  12. Suazo (Chile)
As you can see, not only did the not-so-famous players get injured, but so did the famous, well-known names of football as well. Oh well, maybe it's God's way of evening the playing field a little, give other teams a slight chance as well. In any case,


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pot Luck-ing!

I went to CERiA with ma today! We celebrated Aunty Margaret's and Kak Zaleha's birthday. It was so much fun. We had a pot luck with food from different continents, party hats and even overly-pink mouse ears for the birthday girls to wear. I took some pictures with the camera (which was also shockingly pink! *bluek*)
Birthday girls!
pot luck-ing :P
too much pink but it was still fun :)
..mama mouse & kathy mouse..
Anyway, it's now Tuesday, the 4th day of my 2-week school holiday, and I can proudly say that I'm done with all my notes! Also, I have done all the structured questions and one essay for PP. Hopefully, I'll keep this up and finish all the questions by this week. Only one more essay each for PP and MUET. After that... no, it's not a home run. I still have alot of reading to do, but at least it'll be a load off.
Good luck to me!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

My oh My!

*I was looking forward to the holidays.. WAS being the operative word!
TONS OF HOMEWORK! That's what I get for my first school holiday this year. Pages of notes for Business Studies and Accounts, a stagerring number of structured and essay questions for Business Studies, Accounts and MUET, and not to mention 13 topics to read up on for PA!

HELLO!!~~ It's the holidays. According to the dictionary, it means "to take a break from work and relax". I think 'teachers' in general forgot the meaning of that word.

Anyway, I'm going to have to pace myself. I'll do the reading part everyday, notes I'll have to finish by Monday so that I can start the questions on Tuesday. I'm aiming to complete my work within the first week, except the reading of course. That I'll have to spread out over the course of two weeks. Hopefully, I'll stick to this plan or else I'll go totally haywire. Time to shape up Cat!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Elections Day!! Have You Voted?? I Have!

After recess, we had MPPPU (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar Pra-Universiti) elections. Here's how it went;

President: Kaviraj - bio (YAY!! [I would have voted Adeline but she's still in NS])
Vice President: HuiYi - acc (She's so small next to Kavi, but then again, who isn't??)
Secretary: Banu - bio (Who else??)
Assistant Secretary: Astika - sej (go Tika!)
Treasurer: Kevin - acc (he's so shy)
Assistant Treasurer: Ashuvine - bio (she's very much like Kevin)
Auditor: Yean Meng - bio (she'd rather not.. hehe)
Bureau Representatives:-
*Kebudayaan: ME! - acc (My pleasure.. (:)
*Lawatan: Mythilee - sej (I trust she'll be able to organise a bunch of monkeys like us)
- sej (only because he's athletic)
*Kebajikan: Syafiq - acc (hmm...)
Class Representative:-
*Biology: Hui Qin (ooh.. aahh..)
*Physics: Kah Mun (he was chosen, not elected!)
*History: Zaef (Prince of History)
*Accounts: Ming (better be class rep than in charge of kebudayaan)

There might be some changes. Firstly, if Kavi gets the accepted by AirAsia or MalaysiaAirlines for the piloting programme, we'll need a new President and/or Vice President. Also, Ming doesn't want the Kebudayaan post, so he asked if he could switch with me. I said I'm fine with it if the President-Elect, President and teachers are too.

After the elections, I spent the last period with the Lower 6 History class. It was Macroeconomy in my class at that time so decided to skip. The history students were having another election. Here's how it went;

Most Macho: Faiz Aiman
Most Good Looking: Zaef
Cutest: Kuba
Most Relaxed: Azzlan
Funniest: Harveen
Class Reporter: Fatiqah
Most Serious: Sheain
Most 'Happening': Astika
Loud Mouth: Ders

They were discussing other thing as well. Class decorations, duty rosters and class trips. I just jumped in whenever I felt my opinion was valuable. Once they started discussing class trips, I realised just how much I miss them. I was actually tearing up. All those plans and discussions of where to go and what to do were none of my business. I'm no longer a History Student. I didn't belong there. Razmil was kind enough to say I'm still part of them. The Ambassador of Lower 6 Accounts to Lower 6 History. That made me smile but it doesn't change the fact that I belong somewhere else.

As I said before, I'm going to try and loosen up the Accounts class. It might work but I have my doubts. I won't give in so easily though. There are two projects we have to work on during the holidays in groups. For MUET, I'm in the same group as HuiYi and Kuan and for Business Studies I'm in a group with Syafiq, Kevin and Thayalan. Hopefully this will help me get started. I hope it works because it's becoming almost completely unbearable in that class.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I was Sooooo Wrong!

Okay. Remember when I said I'm expecting shocked faces and unending questions from the Accounts students due to my sudden transfer into their class? (Post dated Sunday, 30 may 2010; Under the 'changing to accounts' babble) Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. Lower 6 Accounts is the most boring class I have ever had the misfortune to enter! I want to make myself clear. The teachers aren't the problem. In fact, the teachers are awesome. It's the students who are boring. They don't say a word to anyone expect their one other friend.

There are two guys sitting on my left who are just as quiet as the two girls (twins) sitting on my right. The girls in front of me seem unable to converse with anyone but themselves and the the girls behind me only talk amongst themselves but with the volume turned up to full blast. This must be how Malcolm in "Malcolm in the Middle" feels. After being in the class that has always earned the title "The Noisiest", I just can't bear the silence. Sure, it helps me focus on class and catch up on work, but I don't know how much longer I can take the unintentional silent treatment. I know it's not their fault. Maybe they're just not used to being in a noisy class. Maybe they're all to shy to interact. I just can't stand it.

Ma suggested I organise an activity that we can all do together. A bonding thing. I do have one idea. Class decoration. At the moment, our class is completely bare. Maybe, we can organise an effort to decorate the class. It'll be killing two birds with one stone. Getting the class decorated and getting to know each other at the same time. (Gotong-royong mengeratkan silaturahim, right??)

My only salvation; recess. As soon as recess starts, I go to the History class. For at least 20 minutes, I can talk till my throat runs dry (which is okay since I won't talk in class after that). I live for recess, for the glorious 20 minutes with my History friends. Even now, I'm thinking only of recess tomorrow!