Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just Some Things....

If I had a diary, this is what I would write in it:

I HATE THIS SCHOOL! The atmosphere is torture and my classmates are the epitome of boredom.

I'd write the same thing over and over again because it'll never get old, only worse. The subjects aren't too bad. They're quite fun if I'm being honest. I just need to find a driving force to help me focus because right now, even with my interest in the subjects, I can't seem to concentrate at all. My heart isn't in it at all. I need something to help me keep my attention in class and so far, I'm drawing up a blank.

However, there are somethings in school worth waking up for. An aerobics competition for which I've just been recruited by Adeline is one of them. I only found out today about said competition and we only practiced the full routine about twice this evening. We're in it to win it but it wouldn't seem that way to outsiders and I don't blame them. We only practiced a few hours and we're not exactly professionals, are we? Anyway, it's OK though, I think we're good (but of course, I might be biased. Hehe:) The event is tomorrow, so wish me luck!

Moving on to my hair, it's short now! I think I needed that release. It's probably a psychological need for change or something like that but what do I know, I'm no psychologist. So, I'll post pictures tomorrow and y'all can see how it looks :)

Now, for some really big news. We (as in June and I) have tickets to the MTV WORLD STAGE ASIA concert! I couldn't believe my eyes when June showed me the tickets. My first ever concert. I'm stoked. I'm already planning my hair style and what to wear. I'm just so excited, I can't wait!


Well, I'm off to do some other stuff now. C'ya tomorrow!

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