Monday, July 12, 2010

Top On My List Of Weird Days

Today can definitely be considered as one of the most weirdest day I've had so far. I started my day at 2.30a.m with the FIFA World Cup Finals 2010, Netherlands Vs Spain. I was wearing orange. The match started off quite rough on account of the Dutch and the commentator was serving up his usual amount of snide comments about everything possible, excluding the British referees of course. Even the Japanese referee, who in my opinion is among the best out there, was not spared. The commentator was having the time of his life poking fun at the expense of both teams with meaningless yet discouraging statistics using his terribly irritating voice.He even made a few personal comments like, "The ref is having a little chat with Sneijder there. I don't think Sneijder even understands English,". Well, I'll have you know, anyone can speak English but not everyone can speak Malay. Hah!

Anyway, by the time the game ended, in which Spain won by a goal during extra time that was accepted even though a Spanish player was offside because the BRITISH linesman didn't see it, it was already 5.30a.m. I decided to stay awake because I knew full well that if I let myself drift off, I wouldn't be able to wake up for school a half hour later. All through the ride to school, we were talking about the World Cup and homework (one of those 'weird but it works' combination). Once we arrived in school, we sat around the usual table in the lobby area. All of the sudden, Adeline shouted out loud, "Kath! It's RaRa!". I didn't believe her at first, thinking it was just another one of her jokes, but then again, Adeline has never been able to lie with a straight face. One look, and I saw that she was right. What d'you know!? RaRa was indeed in school. Adeline ran after him with me on her heels. I felt happy and thankful that he managed to find a way back (whether he intended to or not). My prayers were answered :)

All too soon, joy was replaced with annoyance and even a slight twinge of anger. There were two boys trying to claim that RaRa belonged to them. I fixed them with a deadly stare (as deadly a stare as I could muster at that time, at least) and told them he was my dog, daring them to contradict me. They didn't. Adeline and I, then, drove RaRa home and rushed back to school. We managed to make it back before the assembly ended. After that, we made our way back to our own block, slightly away from the main school building. Little did I know, those two boys actually followed me to my class. They insisted that RaRa was theirs and not mine to claim. They jotted down what class I was in and tried their best to spell my name. I think they were trying to show that they meant business. Trying to scare me maybe. They have no idea. Anyway, I helped them out and gave them my full name and telephone number. They can call on me anytime because I have all the proof I need that RaRa is mine. Like ma always said; if you know you're right, then never fear. You know for sure that the gun only shoots blanks even if others insist it's loaded. They wont listen to you so the only way to solve it is to give them the gun and ask them to shoot you. You know it's safe but they don't. So, that's exactly what I did.

What I'm going to say next is going to sound terrible and even illogical, what with all the effort I'm putting in to claim RaRa as mine, but it has to be. I'm going to return RaRa to the person I adopted him from. I realised that I'm not even close to being ready to care for a dog. I don't know if I ever will be. I'm too afraid and witless when it comes to those four-legged fur balls. I love animals, really, but it seems I'm not made to take care of this particular species. I'm going to call his rescuer and fix a time to return him. I just don't know enough.

Moving on to less depressing matters.. well, actually, there's nothing else for now. I'm stuck in a hole. Hm, maybe I'll make some Chili Con Carne. I've always wanted to try and I have all the ingredients. Why not? Hope it turns out good, or edible at least.

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