Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Too Ambitious? NOT!

There are a few things I want to get of my chest.

First, I'm so glad I dropped Economy. The Macroeconomy teacher is really something. I honestly couldn't concentrate on my book while she was teaching. She punished almost everyone (with the exception of the new students) for not completing their notes. I don't understand this. She was the one who said that notes we're all up to us and she didn't care. Now she's punishing those who didn't write notes. What insanity is this? Also, she's so boring that no one understands her at all. Coming back to her voice, I gave up trying to read Harry Potter 10 minutes into her class. It was too much work. So I opted instead to finish up my Business Studies exercise. That worked well since I needed my full attention and the teacher's voice couldn't penetrate the concentration field I set up around my head :).Microeconomy on the other hand, isn't too bad. The teacher is really friendly and interesting. I managed to read Harry Potter in her class quite peacefully. But still, 4 periods back to back of Economy can drive anyone mad, even someone who's not taking the subject (me!)

Moving on, when I came home from school, I was finally in the mood for some baking. So I geared up for some major cookie-making moments. I took everything down, set up my apparatus and just as I wanted to start mixing stuff together, I found that the self-raising flour had expired, the brown sugar was disintegrated by ants and my favourite spatula went AWOL! What a discovery. Anyway, that didn't dampen my spirits. I ran to the store behind my house to get the self-raising flour. They didn't have brown sugar so I had to drive to the supermarket to get some. As for the spatula, I made do with the other one I had (not as great to use as the first but workable). So after treasure hunting, I was already an hour behind schedule. I started baking and just as I was about to put in the last batch of cookies into the oven, I remembered something important: I FORGOT THE SALT!! *sigh* After going through all that trouble to get the ingredients I needed to make some really great, chewy, chocolate chip cookies, I forgot the key ingredient. Now I'm left with salt-less cookies. They taste quite good even without the salt but my favourite part of it was the salt. I loved biting into that one grain of salt in the sea of sweetness. It was heaven, it was what made this cookie the best. Oh well, better luck next time.

Now, let's talk about dreams. On the off chance that you're a regular reader of this blog, you'll remember me mentioning something about a list of things I'd love to do before I kick the bucket. A bucket list, if you will. I know, I know, a bucket list is a for when people know they're dying and they want to experience things before they die and a list is the best way to organise their thoughts. But if you think about it, we're all dying anyway. In fact, I'm dying right now while I write this and you're dying as you read this. It's a fact of life, we're mere mortals and death is a part of life. So, about my bucket list, I want to start crossing things out as soon as possible (crossing them out after I've done them, not because I changed my mind or gave up on it, that's not an option). One thing I know I can cross out this year is to drive from North to South (or South to North) on the North-South Expressway. I'll do it on a holiday and I won't stop for sightseeing. It'll be a pure journey. I'll stop for petrol and food and stuff like that, but nothing else. It has to be during a school holiday, and non-peak periods. I'll work out the timing soon. One kink is, I'm located kind of in the middle of the NSE. So I'll have to travel to the south ('cause it's nearer) and then drive up north to complete the journey and cross out one thing on my list. Then, I'll have to drive back south till I reach home. So technically, I will have driven twice on the expressway :P

So, that's all for now. Enjoy!

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