Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Chap's Folly

[This is something I wrote down a few months ago. I thought I'd share it with the general population- or whoever it is that reads this blog of mine]

Let's talk about how idiotic some men can be sometimes. (Let's all remember that I'm not referring to every single man on the planet but to the inevitable few handfuls of idiotic men that exist)

Why is it that men never really know us? They can spend their whole life with us (be it our brother, father, son, uncle, husband or friend) and act as if they just met us yesterday. Men are just tragically slow when it comes to understanding. They think that one good thing they do can cover up for a whole bunch of dumb mistakes. And to cover up or just avoid getting nagged, they play the victim and give us the cold shoulder when it's actually their fault. We get stuck with the mess they made and, being the more sensitive version of the human race, we clean it up, hiding our tears and hurts because we still care. Of course, they care too but somehow they manage never to show it (except for Valentine's Day or some other 'days' which aren't what really matter).

What happened to the kind of man that accepts his mistakes and thinks before saying or doing something? Or the kind of man that knows how complicated a woman is and tries their best to do right by her? We, women, may be nagging and many layered and noisy and nosy and just plain irritating sometimes, but we do try to understand the simplicity of men. (By the way, for all you guys thinking simple is great, it ain't always the best). We do all we can to understand you and it may take time but at least we manage it. I wish I can say the same for men. They try, yes they do, but they never seem to grow and even if some men manage it, they're most probably too late.

In my short but eventful eighteen years of life, I've seen girls, young ladies and women change when they know they're doing something wrong. A man explains it to us and we change. As for men, well, I've not seen that yet. All I've seen and experienced are men who are too wrapped up in their ego to change or even want to change. They don't see how much we try, they never do. All they can see is what's right in front of them, that is, what they want to see. Never what's actually around them. Their peripheral vision needs a check.

They think.. oh wait, that's it! They DON'T think. Case closed!

[Yes, I do know that my experience level does not give me enough licence to complain about men but I honestly do not care. And don't think I'm oblivious to the faults of women. I just haven't gotten around to writing about it yet :) ]

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