Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today was a day filled with moments. First up, we (as in the Visha, Roms and I) went to see the headmistress about the Editorial Board because we were having some issues. We told her everything that happened with the teacher and the B.O.D members. Honestly, Pn.Vasu is the best. She explained to us exactly why she didn't want certain people in the B.O.D and she agreed with us about recruiting younger members to help us, both of which our Teacher Advisor failed to do. All in all, a productive meeting. We've decided that if things remain the same after the major meeting Pn. Vasu is calling with the whole B.O.D, then we will hand in our resignation. Don't fret though, because I have a feeling that things will get better.

Next moment was during recess. Roms ordered me a Roti Milo (weird right?). I had that with fried chicken. The roti milo is made the same way a roti telur is made only the egg is substituted with milo. They sprinkle milo and sugar inside the roti and then fold it and cook it. It tasted quite good. I didn't have it with curry but somehow I think it would be a good combination. Everyone was looking at me eat and one person even called me adventurous for pairing roti milo with fried chicken. I think I'll try it with curry tomorrow :)

After recess, Roms and I were walking back to class when a small boy (probably Form 1) said, "Hello, Senior," to us. We said hi and Roms couldn't resist telling him that he looked cute. He said thanks and as we walked away, we heard him say to his friend, "They said I look cute!". They were adorable! When we reached our class on the first floor, we saw them walking out of school and so we said goodbye to them. They were giggling all the way out. OMG! Haha, I can just imagine how they felt when a senior not only talked to them but also called them cute. They made our day and I'm pretty sure we made theirs :)

One more moment was in Friday's. Crazy is closing so I only saw BossBoss today. We just sat and talked about this and that. No pressure of him being the boss or my constantly worrying about what time my break ends. Just us, talking. It was nice. My escape from the real world for a while.

Now, I have to cook dinner. Adios!

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