Monday, January 17, 2011

Fairy Tales~

Saturday evening, I went out on a date with none other than Adeline. It's been a while since we hung out together so we decided that we couldn't wait any longer. Initially, we wanted to watch Narnia but Adeline changed her mind so we watched Rapunzel instead. My favourite character was Pascal, the chameleon! He was adorable. He makes me wish I had an intelligent pet chameleon of my own to play hide and seek with.

We talked a lot during the whole 4 hours we were together. We caught up on whats going on with each other and talked about almost everything. Spending time with her made me realise just how much I miss having her around. School is still fun in La Salle but Adeline always made it interesting. I want to do this more often and maybe even get Kavi to tag along too. He couldn't come on Saturday because it was ponggal. We'll make sure he can make it next time. 

After the movie, Adeline mentioned that she think 'love' is really not all that. She's got a very cynical view on life especially when it comes to love. Living in today's world, I can see why she feels the way she does. Divorce rates are going through the roof, hearts are being broken left, right and center and romance is being thrown out the window. I get it. It's hard to live in such a cold cruel world, but is it really that bad? Has it really reached the stage where there is no choice but to give up?

Not to me. The world maybe filled with a bunch of unromantic, cynical pessimists but not everyone is like that. I still believe in love. I still believe in romance. I still believe that as long as there are moments, there is magic. I still believe that there is a perfect match for everyone and that everyone is destined to be be happy. Prince Charmings are real. Every girl is a princess in their own right. We all go through times of distress and we are all entitled to a happy ending. I still believe all that even though I've met quite a number of cynics. To me, it comes down to the choices we make. It is entirely up to you how you choose to end up. It's up to you whether you want to let things get you down or whether you want to push them aside and move on.

No, not all of us are going to be easily rescued from our towers by dashing young men the day we turn eighteen. But who says we can't end up happily married with our one true love, have a big family and grow old together in our dream house? It's entirely possible and it's entirely up to you. I'm not saying there wont be bumps along the way, because of course there will. We just have to keep our eyes on the prize.

Ever heard of the song 'Just The Way You Are' by Bruno Mars? If you haven't, go ahead and do it. Pay attention to the lyrics. Every girl out there wants someone to say exactly that to them. Since the song started playing on the radio, you wouldn't believe how many times I've heard another girl say to me how she'd wish guys like that really existed. I just keep saying the same thing: They do exist. We just haven't met them or given anyone the chance yet. I get shot down every time. But I won't stop saying what I've been saying because I believe in fairy tales! Do you?

If there's a rainbow after the storm and light at the end of the tunnel, why can't we have a happy ending at the end of the road?

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