Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So, I almost found my school spirit back. I say almost because there are still times when I space out and day dream and give in to laziness and think of how much I just want to go back to work! Today, I was focused during Econs class and half there during PA. During BM, I was completely there and Carom was half and half. I want to keep myself busy so I won't dream too much and keep longing for Friday's. I'm hoping that this year, I'll shoulder my responsibilities more firmly (namely Head of Special Features in the Editorial Board, Secretary of CSS and Class Interior Designer). Those titles sound awesome, especially the last one, but they're not too easy. I have to keep reminding myself not to let Marcus (my CSS President) down with my forgetfulness and complete lack of spirit. On top of that, I need to do some serious brain storming and leg work for the School Magazine lest Visha (Chief Editor) hunts me down! As for the class, I've done some work and it's been going well so far.

Doing other stuff gets my mind of things. Impossible as it may seem to most people (who don't know that I'm the thinking type), my brain has been on overdrive lately. There's been a lot of things on my mind and I just can't seem to concentrate as easily as I used too. I keep thinking and thinking and as much as I tell myself not to think, that's when I think some more. *phew* It's kind of exhausting sometimes.

Anyways, I'm planning a whole new routine this year and it all depends on what I have to do for school (i.e homework, CSS work and editorial work), and if I have the wheels. I want to spend as much time with the people that matter (BossBoss and Crazy and Sunny and etc.). As long as they're there, I'll be there too. If or when they move, I'll see if I can still pay them regular visits. I feel safe and comfortable and calm and happy when I'm with them and I don't want to lose that. I love ma and my bro too and I see them everyday so I'm sure to have those feelings when I'm at home. For the rest of them, I don't want them to be one of those group of people I get close to and then never see again. As for Nadiah and June, I know that they'll always be there so I'll see them when i can (since they're both busy with university). I will make it happen!

Miss you guys! :)

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