Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'll Miss You, 2010

I hate this part right here!

It's great to be moving to a whole new year, another cycle, another adventure. I just hate leaving the good stuff behind. I have to leave Friday's and the family that comes with it (I'll miss Boss the most!). I'll have to leave behind the environment of working with adults. It's back to school with people my age (not my kind of crowd) and homework and stuff. I know I have to move on, to study and build a life for myself but I just hate leaving everything behind except a few memories. My last two days at work were the best and worst this whole year! I met some friends I know I'll keep for life and I've met some truly annoying people. I had heart stopping moments and butterflies in my stomach moments and moments where I just wish I could pause for a bit longer. There were a lot of 'what if's' and 'oh my..' moments too. The last two days were filled with said moments. It was as if they were trying to fit the quota before the year ended. I have a feeling that 2011 might be different. There will be a lot more moments and people. I can only hope that things work out the way I want and expect it too.

It's safe to say that I finally feel like an adult (mostly). No need to mention who, but some people I've met this year have helped me figure it out and I thank them for it. I know a lot more about myself. I realise that I have more self control than I thought. Also, I can be very emotional and clingy:)

I don't want to loose touch with some of the people I've met this year (most of them are Friday's staff). If you know me, you know that I'm not the kind of person to remember birthday's or try and keep in touch. However, I've met some truly amazing people whom I don't ever want to forget. So I'll try and hopefully, we'll be in touch always.

I have to prepare myself for a whole year of being in school. Honestly, I don't want to be there but I need to and I'll do my best there because I want a great future. I'll make sure I have people that matter around me all the time (Crazy says: the best things is to have a few people that matter as opposed to many people who don't). That will be the best thing that could possibly happen.

Anyway, enough philosophy.... for now.
Happy 2011

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