Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I can't remember the last time I did any school work at home. It must have been years ago. Today, I have 2 essays and one graph to finish. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time during History to complete the task tomorrow. Alas, I'm left with no choice but to put my brain through a workout at home. The first essay is done (though somewhat unenthusiastically). The second essay, a memorandum to object the privatization of government hospitals, is for my BM teacher which means the entire thing has to be written in BM.

Herein lies the problem. I think in English, I argue well in English and my best essays are written in English. I need to find a way to write this memorandum with passion in the Malay language. I have my points. What's left is just to write them out nicely but that's a lot easier said than done when it comes to the language. I'm definitely capable of writing an essay in BM, but the quality is what concerns me. My command of the language can probably be classified as 5/10. Only 50% fluent and I'm expected to come up with and essay to rock your world? Yea right! I'm not giving up though. I'll write the best I can and slowly hone my skills of writing in BM. Mr.Y would be proud:) He's always telling me not to worry and that he'll be guiding me one step at a time. Definitely my favourite teacher!


Our MUET teacher set us an essay; Where do I see myself in 5 years? I expected myself to hand in an essay of about 2-3 pages long (as I am wont to do). Alas (again), I have disappointed myself. I completely forgot about it and I had to scratch out something last minute. My syntax was a washout, the whole essay was unorganized and I didn't portray 'me' to full blast. I should have set a reminder on my phone or something. I feel ashamed of myself for not doing it right. ARGH! I shall not do that again.


I've always had Random-Thoughts-Moments where I get, well... random thoughts. So, I have decided to blog them! Just for fun. Since I have a very weak memory, I'm going to have to write them down but even I can't write everything single random thought down (since they're random and I probably won't have any writing things on me). Hopefully, I remember the best ones and you'll enjoy them too. This is me giving you an insight as to how my brain works! No, not all desirable to some but hey, we all need an outlet and this is mine. :)


I have something exciting coming up but it's not confirmed so I wont post it here yet. Once I know for sure what's going to happen, so will you!


And I'm still wondering, when....?

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