Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Matters of the Tummy

So, the holidays are almost upon us. Only 2 weeks, sure, but definitely worth it! The exams have been a little stressful (for others more than me) and I think all of us, teachers included, are in need of a good, long break.

Speaking of the holidays. I've never been this organised before. I put all my plans into my phone planner and I realised that I'm definitely fully utilising this holidays. No moping around at home, constantly whining about boredom. My schedule is filling up fast and I'm stoked! I've got some really great stuff lined up like pottery, window shopping, sunway-ing, probably pool and not to mention the camp.

Moving on, I was talking to my father today and he got me thinking about the whole recess situation here in Malaysia. It's appalling. School starts at 7.30am which means students have their breakfast before that, if they have any at all. Then comes recess at 10.30am (or 11am, depending on the age. The younger half 10.30am-10.50am, the older half 10.50am-11am). That's 20 minutes to gobble down whatever horrid food the canteen offers. After that, it's studying time, right up till 1.50pm or 2.30pm (again, depending on the schools). Now, tell me that's not screwed up?

Sure, the government is sticking to the whole four-hours-between-each-meal thing but is this even healthy? Breakfast at the crack of dawn, morning tea (which is usually heavy) at 11am and lunch much later at 2.30pm or sometimes at 3pm+ when the students get home. Isn't breakfast supposed to be around 8am and lunch at around 1pm? It seems to me we're raising a whole generation of children who are prone to gastric. The whole meal system has been turned upside down.

Something should really be done about this. One person alone cannot affect change. We need a whole school or maybe the teachers union to stand up to the government and say "Enough is enough." We cannot continue to let our children be victims to this plan. Change is needed for the betterment of our children's health. Part of the reason children are obese in this country is because we have to wait a good long while for lunch. On top of that, recess is a pitiful 20 minutes. What kind of balanced meal can we eat in 20 minutes, even if the canteens do offer proper food? Students resort to fried foods like nuggets and junk food like various packaged cakes and cookies laden with sugar because we are pressed for time.

So, where do we go from here?

Anyways, my friend directed me (indirectly) to this blog. I really enjoyed reading it so here's the link. Enjoy!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thin Ice

Plans scuppered, promises 'postponed', disappointment. It's the feeling that I hate. Disdain for the situation rather than the person/s who caused it. I do not hold anything against you for pulling out. I really don't. I do, however, blame myself for thinking you'd ever make an effort for me. I have been here for you, all the while waiting, riding the course of my moments around you. I love you and I would sacrifice a lot for you in the blink of an eye. You know that. I know you know that. But to think that you would do the same for me, that was foolishness on my part.

I have given, and given and I keep giving. All this while, I walked around you like I was on thin ice, thinking that I was the one in need of redemption and forgivness from you. I know better now. I've done my time. I have done what I needed and I've achieved salvation. You don't see that do you? You're still stuck on your pedestal, thinking that you're safe. Here's some news for you, while you were busy collecting your dues, I moved up. Look below you feet and see where you stand. Ice, baby. The thin kind.

This is not me being vindictive. This is me wrenching your eyes open. You need to realise that, this time, you were the hurtful one. This time, you need to work it out. I'm hurt and you did it. It's not about any particular incident. It's about you needing to know that you're not perfect. Also, stubborness gets you nowhere with me. I'm tired of giving in. Don't you think it's time you put in some effort from your side? I do.

Anyways, I love you. you know that, but just in case you didnt; I LOVE YOU! Just SEE me for once, kay? That's all I ask.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Emeralds of Mine

I have to blog this. I just HAVE TO!

So, I haven't mentioned this here but while in La Salle (still am in La Salle actually), I met a few gems. Amazing little creatures who I'm sure I'll remember for the rest of my life even if we happen to lose contact with each other. The first thing that strikes me is that no matter how much they deny it (only some deny it), they are truly La Sallians. They wear the greens of their badge proudly. These hand full of boys are wise beyond their years, fragile yet strong, brave, friendly, lovely and they teach me something new every time I see them (even if they don't know it).

First up, the batch of 13 year olds. Most of them (or maybe all of them?) I know from the Catholic Students Society (CSS). They're tiny (as in short), witty and actually quite brave. Form what I knew before coming to La Salle, the younger students don't usually stand up to their seniors. It's just not done. But here, they do it all the time. And in a nice way too. Always polite and wanting to show you that they're not afraid (even if their sweat glands suddenly flare up, giving them away). Always steadfast and true.

Then come the 14 year olds. Equally (some even more) witty, sarcastic yet sincere, taller, deeper (emotionally), and wise. This batch of boys I know from CSS and more. Particularly, one little creature is just so amazing when it comes to understanding. You'd expect that much from an 18 year old, not younger. Of course, their childishness is still the overwhelming factor but not as much when compared to some really spoiled brats I've been unfortunate enough to encounter. Another little creature is actually pretty fun. He is extremely friendly and I'm sure when he gets older, he'll have girls swooning over him (if he doesn't already). Add to that excellent writing skills and a lot less laziness than me, we have an amazing 14 year old blogger. I honestly lost myself in his blog. His sentence structures, choice of words, insight, wisdom and the ability to present his point of view ever so clearly has me begging for more! This child is truly talented. He has me wishing I wasn't so lazy. He manages to capture his every thought and feeling into his writing. I'm hooked (and a little envious about his talent and lack of a lazy bone when it comes to typing).

Moving on, I'm going to skip the 15 year olds because, unless I'm very much mistaken, I don't really know any. So, 16 year olds it is. Here, I've met some truly childish-way-past-their-age boys. I think once they grow up, they'll be amazing. Till then, I'm going to skip that particular breed of 16 year olds. I want to talk about the ones who've been a treasure. One boy stands out. Oddly enough, his best friend is the over-childish type. This treasure, he's actually very smart? and wise? in his own way. He's mature but at the same time, he knows that he's still a child and he makes allowances to be childish. I don't know if that made sense to anyone but me. Anyway, he has no hidden agendas, no qualms about telling you what he thinks straight up, is very open, loves what he loves no matter how weird it might be or how many people might make fun of him, and he's steady. I know that he'll always have my back, even when it will cost him something.

Then come the 17 year olds. Entering a season of change, growing taller and wider, getting smarter and wiser. Not the mention the ever busy schedule. Hopping from school to tuition to sports to various other co curricular activities and dates. These boys are indeed, forever on the move. Many of them are high achievers (whether it be academically or otherwise) and have a solid goal as well as a clear plan. That's something I hope will rub off on me soon. These boys are smart. I can see many of them going really far. And though many of them are just seasonal friends (to come and go like the leaves on a tree), one or two are definitely here to stay (in my life that is). I will not let them go, like it or not, for they are special and they make me smile and feel special too :)

Rumusnya, these gems have brought some light and shine into my life, even in the smallest of ways and I am, and forever will be, grateful. The Lord has showered upon me manna from heaven, food for my soul, in the form of beautiful people. Never forget those who bring light into your life. Even the tiniest of light can chase the darkness away. These are my gems (they do not belong to me but I do feel that somehow, at the right moments, they are there especially for me. Conceded, I know, but honest).

I love you guys and I'm ever so proud to call you my friends.

Failed Escapade (Malu lah!)

Saturday, oh Saturday! Why for art thou incredibly soporific? Might not I be blessed with adventures, how ever small?

And so, I took it upon myself to explore.

I am proudly Malaysian. However, I have never seen the Tugu Negara. I don't even know where it is (as I've undoubtedly proven to myself today). Therefore, mama and myself decided to take a trip to Lake Gardens to see the Tugu Negara (and the Chocolate Factory/Farm thingy nearby there).

And so we set off in our orange car towards Lake Gardens. It was beautiful! Lake Gardens, I mean. The trees were old and graceful. The sky was blue and happy. On the down side, we never found the monument. We drove three times in and around Lake Gardens but the monument remained elusive. Malu la! A Malaysian, driving around aimless, looking for the National Monument. What a shame.

And so, we decided to head towards the Way of the Sun to get me a new pair of shoes. I tell you, the number of shoes I saw today was enough to put me off shoes for a while. There were strap-py shoes, beaded shoes, boring shoes, old lady shoes, hooker shoes, flats, heels, stilettos, wedges, leather, canvas, pumps and even a combination of one or more. You'd think I would be able to find a pair I liked in that mass. But alas, it was not to be. We walked into 4-5 different shoe stores, saw countless pairs of shoes and I found nothing, NOTHING at all that caught my eye. I am still stuck with my black n green flip flops and heels that are begging for retirement.

Where might I find some shoes that are suited to the taste buds of my foot?

Anyway, mama managed to find something she liked. A beautiful, flowing, black blouse. It suits her. Once again, we've managed to not accomplish what we planned and yet accomplished something anyway, totally unplanned. Something I should get used to.

Worry not, though. I have Googled the map to the Tugu Negara and intend on pursuing it once more. :) Hopefully I'll have some new shoes by then.

On a more emotional note, I feel kinda hopeless. My crush ends up with my friend. Never fails to happen. Whats up with me? Heading nowhere perhaps? My farm house, garden, old VW and a steady job in social service seems ever so solid. My love life, however, is a whole different story. Never to be told beforehand?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Heating Up!

Hey, told you I'd be back :) Right, right??
So, here I am!

Lower six students came today! Their first day. One thing's for sure; we're a dying breed. Only  30+ out of 350+ students registered today. That's even less than us Upper Six students. By the time we reach September, there will probably only be about 20+ left. Matriculation, Poly techs and University calls. They shall answer. They seem enthusiastic though. Definitely not as crazy as us (I don't think any batch will be as crazy as us), but spirited.

Anyway, this whole month, our church is having a Mission. The Redemptorist priests have taken over our church and are shaking things up for a month. They're having formations almost every weekend about various things. Right now, they're visiting families. The last week will be the best part, though. It's called the Preach Mission. There will be mass every night. Each mass will be dedicated to different things (e.g Youths, Family, etc) and they each have a theme. It'll be so cool!

Sadly, I wont be there for the first three days. I'm going for a 5-day camp. The La Sallian Encounter it's called. I'm stoked. I love going for camps and I haven't gone for one in years. 5 students are going from out school and I'm the only girl! Haha:) BJC is going so it'll be fun. Even if the other guys bully me, he'll have my back. I wont stick to him like glue though because I know he'll want to enjoy with the guys. I'm just all happy now!

Oh! Speaking of happy, I bought clothes! A skirt and a few blouses AND a jacket! I'm happy:) All i need now is shoes.

On another note, the sun seems to be throwing a tantrum. It's so hot!!! So, I'm gonna down a whole lot of iced water now. CIAO!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Hey cyberspace.
So, as you know, I've left this part of the world wide web alone for a while now. My excuse; I've been buried under tons of work. But no fret! I'm finally getting the hang of it. Clue; Do NOT Procrastinate!

Anyways, Upper 6 has been a doozy so far. I've had different dramas in school, some drama at home and some internal drama as well. I think I'll start off with the school drama. First up, it seems that since Form 6 is only a year and a half, the drama decided to take the fast lane. Everything is snowballing faster than it used to. The four of us became 2 + 2, then 3 + 1 and now I've just made it 2 + 1 + 1; all in less than a year!

Friction was bound to spark into flames with two completely different personalities clashed. Sure, they seemed all 'BFF'-like at first, but any fool could see that it was only temporary. They didn't have any friends and so they stuck together. Now, sparks started flying and the camp has broken into 3. One over sensitive girl with anger management issues who thinks that knowing people will get her places and believes that the world revolves around her (one side), a guy who is an amazing character with self consciousness issues and has no idea when to keep his big mouth shut + a tough on the outside, soft on the inside girl who knows exactly the kind of people she likes and dislikes and will not turn back from a grudge without some major work (the other side), and the girl whose in love with all three of them but knows that she can't change them if they don't want to be changed and is stuck somewhere in the middle and is this close (holds thumb and forefinger 2mm apart) to knocking their heads together (that's me, making up the finally part of the equation).

I'm a much calmer person these days but sometimes I just wish I was my old self. The old me would have snapped along time ago (and lost all my friends in the process but at least I'd be at peace). However, I can't do that now. So I'm taking the 'Peace-No-War' road. I tried to explain to each person about the varieties of a human being and maybe steer them into making some changes. An obvious plan... that failed miserably. I found out why two days ago. One Father Paul taught me that change lies in the individual. You can't change anyone but yourself. You can do good and hope for change but it's a long shot. It's better to not even hope for change in anyone but yourself. Foolhardy (?).

Conclusion, I'm stuck. I'll be myself. Try my hardest to make changes in myself for the better and (since I'm an optimist) hope that people will make the right changes for themselves. I think I'll sign off now. It's really late and I have a reasonably long day ahead of me. Stay tuned for the next update! :)