Monday, March 8, 2010


I was thinking about what to study. I've decided on either Broadcasting or English. After that, I'm going to be a writer or journalist. That's what I want. If I get good results for my SPM, then I can get a scholarship. That way, I won't have to go to Form 6. It's all hanging on this Thursday. I hope all goes well.

Work started off fun today. Ms.Kang had us clean the whole store. Here are some pictures for you entertainment. :)

Here we go :)
Here's Boss (on the ladder, wiping the sign) with Cassy and Amy (holding the ladder)

Here's Ramesh cleaning the lamps

Here's Boss again

Here's Hui Jing polishing the bars

I enjoyed myself today. There were a few stressful moments but what work without stress, right? Anyway, before this, there was a Nigerian guy who was so shocked that I am really 18 years old. He kept asking me if I'm sure. I saw the man again today. He was so sweet. The wierd thing is, that man was the same guy that June was complaining about. That's so weird. He was so friendly one moment but fussy the next.

My shifts next week is very organised. I'm doing two mornings, then two swings, and finally two closings. I didn't even have to write it down because it's so organised. I don't like it much but I'll bear with it. You win some, you lose some. :)

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