Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time To Move Forward..

I slept at 3am this morning because my nerves refused to calm down. Once I finally fell asleep, I woke up 5 hours later because my nerves were acting up again. By 8.30am, I was dressed and ready to collect my results. Waiting for the results was even more nerve wrecking than the actually exam! Anyway, here it goes:

BM - A-
BI - A+
Maths - A+
Moral - A
Sej - B
Phy - B+
Chem - B+
Bio - A-
AddMath - B+
Est - A+

Eng GCE - 1A

Overall, I'm sad I didn't get 7 A's but I'm glad I got more than 5. I am very happy about the GCE result too. I'm so proud of myself and all of my friends. We all did well. I'm also happy that I made my mother and brother proud. Today was a good day. I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow. Raja boss owe's me a meal!

Now, it's time to really decide what I want. I'm trying to get a scholarship to Lim Kok Wing to study English. if I don't get it, I'll go to form 6 and then get into UM. After that, I want to write. Either creative writing or journalism. This really is it.

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