Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Physical Tension.. (laughter really IS the best medicine)

I (and every other pure science SPM candidate) have 3 physics papers tomorrow. Kind of a dusk til dawn thing. If you're wondering, I HATE PHYSICS!!.. So, I'll be so relieved when it's over.

Anyway, the real reason I'm here now is to rant about Jit Murad.
But before that, I need you to understand how my brain works. When I become a fan of something or someone, I tend to do some research about it so I know what it is I'm becoming a fan of. For example, anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge Simple Plan fan. So, naturally, I needed to research them. I learnt the band's history, they're preffered genre and whatever else they were up to professionally (private lives and sensational gossip just don't attract me).

Which brings me back to Jit Murad.

My mom took me to his one-man show 'One Load Of BullJit'

and I was an instant fan. Yes, he was crude, rude, and vulgar, but he was also undeniable funny, witty and amazing. I never knew who Jit Murad was till that day. When the show was over, Jit came out the backstage door (which was right next to the lift) and he looked right at me! (I sound so school girlish:)) But me being me, I turned away real fast because
1. i was taken by surprise and
2. i was hiding the fact that i was blushing like mad (I'm not his type, I know).

But anyway, I came home and first thing I did was switch on the computer and look up Jit Murad on wikipedia. To my dismay, he was not in wikipedia due to the fact that he isn't really recognised internationally. But I did find some other sites with some info on him. So now, I know who he is (actor/playwright/comedian), what he's done (acted/playwrote/comedy), and how he came to be.

*Phew* I finally got that out. SO, I'm going to any Jit Murad shows (if any) in the future!

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