Saturday, December 19, 2009

Slow day...

Woke up kind of late today. We were exhausted after yesterday's shopping spree. Today we were supposed to do some organising and clearing up but some of my classmates and I went out for lunch with my biology teacher, Pn.Nik. It was fun seeing her again without the stress of SPM. She looked good. I think the fact that she's going to have a school-free month left her looking really relieved. She cooked for us and we sat and talked about so many things. She really gets us. She treats us like friends but still she taught us so much. Pn.Nik is probably the only teacher I'm going to miss next year.

Later, we (momma and I) went to church. The logic being that we can catch up on the cleaning tomorrow. Hopefully we do. anyway, it's a short post this time. So, Aloha!

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