Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wohoo!! Made It :)

YES!! We did some serious clearing up today. We still have lots to do but we definitely accomplished a lot. Some furniture was moved around, the washing machine did some work and we threw stuff away too. The hall looks kind of different but still very much the same (if that's possible).

PRESENTS!! I finished wrapping some presents. Gifts from me are all wrapped and under the tree. I was the first one there (as usual) :) I hope they like what I got them. But they usually do, so I'm not so worried. I just can't wait to see my presents all wrapped and placed under the tree. I'll have a great time just trying to guess what it is. I'm usually far off with my guesses but it's always fun to try!

COOKIES!! Yes, I'm going to bake this year. I'm only starting the day after tomorrow though. I have everything ready, just need to get some time to start off. This year I'm baking more than usual and I hope I'll be done by Christmas. Oh, and I hope it all comes out well too :)

CHRISTMAS!! On Facebook, I was invited to join a discussion entitled "Christmas or X'mas?". At first I was of the same mind as most people on the forum.
"We should use Christmas, not X'mas, because X'mas has no 'Christ' in it and we are celebrating Christ's birth. X'mas is a commercial thing and the birth is most definitely not a commercial thing. And, apparently in Japan, people say X'mas instead of Christmas because of some anti-religious thing".
After that, my mom said something that stuck with me. She told me this (not word for word though, just something like this):
"I don't see why people should make a fuss about all this. It doesn't matter that we say Christmas or X'mas, because everyone is celebrating Christ's birth, whether they knowingly do it or not. Commercialising Christmas (into X'mas) is just celebrating Christ's birth on a larger scale".
So after some thought, I agree with my mother. It shouldn't matter how you say it, it's the thought that counts. So Happy Christmas and Merry X'mas to you all!

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