Friday, December 11, 2009

Freedom Has Settled In..

Today was just awesome!

Me and Nadiah (Nadiah did all the work) baked a cake for the farewell party.

It taste good if I do say so myself.

After the cake baking, i went to the salon to get my hair done. I did it to mark my post-SPM, pre-STPM days. Here's how it went..
I had my hair bleached first so that the colour would stand out

Here I am with red highlights! (cant really see it in this picture)

Anyway, the red hair is like a flag marking my 'freedom'. I honestly couldn't stop smiling all through the process because I was so excited. I think some of the customers we're a little freaked at my expression. But I feel awesome now.

After that I had a farewell party thrown by our tuition class. The teachers are really great. They're all so friendly, like kids themselves (perasan muda!). I'm really going to miss them.

Sir Suben in white, Sir Jai is the fair one in black


So that was the day!!!

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