Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stay Away From The Bookstore!

Yesterday, we went carolling again. We sang at 9 flats, almost all of which were on the third or fourth floor. So you can imagine how tired I am. It was fun though. The Santa of the day was rocking. (S)He did the robot dance and hip shaking stuff. It was kind of hilarious too. But the best part of all was the shuffle. Who knew Santa could dance like that?? haha!

As for today, I went out with my friends to Sunway Pyramid. It was great. We enjoyed ourselves, or at least I know I did. We saw this movie called zombieland. It was, in my opinion, the stupidest movie of all time. The producers call it a horror comedy(silly right?). The funny parts were good and the gory, bloody, zombie parts were just disgusting. I'D PREFER MY COMEDY BLOODLESS PLEASE. Anyway, that's the last time I let my friends choose a movie. If I had my way, we'd have watched The Princess and the Frog (Rahman didn't want to watch that), New Moon (Rahman didn't want to watch that either) or Avatar (Adeline didn't want to watch that). So we ended up with a funny, gory, disgusting but mercifully short (1 hours 40 minutes) zombie movie. My favourite part of the show was Woody Harrelson. That guy made me laugh and I never closed my eyes when he was on screen. After the movie, we had lunch then went Christmas shopping, or at least I did while everyone else tagged along. I got something from my mom but I'm not going reveal it here (Ma, if you're reading this, it's for me to know and for you to find out on Christmas day:)). Also, I don't know if any of my friends noticed but I was actually avoiding the bookstores. Anytime I got too close to MPH or Popular I'd steer away. I had money in my pockets and I lots of free time. Being the bookworm that I am, it was a dangerous combination. $$ + time = a shopping spree in bookstores. I had to stay away to ensure that I didn't go home completely broke and laden with tons of books!

Anyway, I guess that's it for now. Tomorrow I'm going shopping for ingredients for my Christmas baking. I'm only starting next week because if I start now everything will be gone before Christmas Eve (we love to eat!!). So, I have to get my list ready. Buhbye!

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