Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This Is Not How I Pictured It

It has been a terrible day. I thought that finishing SPM meant that I would enjoy life and freedom a bit more than usual. Turns out, I was a little wrong. Everything seems to be going haywire now. Things getting lost, people getting stressed. If this is what freedom after SPM feels like, then I think I'd like to go back to form 4 please!! I hope tomorrow gets better.

Enough about the da
y. Time for me to reflect about the day's revelation. I realised today that I actually still have a lot of things to learn. I may know a lot about somethings, but evidently, I don't know anything about a lot of things. I've realised that I have to be humble and accept whatever lessons I get, no questions asked. I'm not all-knowing. So, I just have to accept that there are older and wiser people out there. And the only way for me to be completely accepting of other views is, I have to first be honest. Honest in everything I do and say. Only after that can I really learn from LIFE, I think.

I also realised that I've grown up alot this past year. I probably still have a lot of growing up to do but I'm proud of how far I've come:) I'm not the same person I was 1 year ago. And I don't think I'll be the same person I am now, next year. We're always changing. It's evolution. I think.. no.. I know that I've finally come to terms with that.

Anyway, I probably sound to philosophical already. But this blog is a place for me to turn my thoughts into writing. So, chao!

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